Think he's quiet at night, but really isn't?

LO is 5 months old and her crib is in our room. We're keeping it there till after we get back from a trip to Newfoundland to see DHs family at the end of June.

DH really thinks he's being quiet in the adjoining bathroom when he's getting ready for bed -- but he's really not!! He bangs the door closed, rattles his toothbrush in the holder, blows his nose loudly, etc. then he comes in and has to fluff his pillow and spends a good 30-40 seconds arranging the sheets/quilt before he settles. Sigh. I think because I'm the one who gets up with LO at night, he doesn't worry as much about waking her up!

My favourite is after feeding her and getting her back down in the crib, he rolls over and loudly whispers, "is she ok?". If she wasn't ok, he'd be hearing about it! I wouldn't be crawling back into bed if there was something wrong!!

Anyone else have this problem? I feel like I'm always on him to be quiet, and he must be annoyed! I know he's trying, I just think he doesn't realize...