Today, Bee got delayed while running errands and couldn't make it on time to pick up Charlie at daycare. So I went... but naturally Charlie asked about her. So I told him that she had gotten hurt (more or less true, I'm sure Bee will post about it later — she's fine though).

Charlie asked, "Is Mommy sad?"

I said, "Yes, Mommy is sad."

Charlie asked, "Is Mommy crying?"

I said, "Yes, Mommy is crying."

Charlie asked, "Is Mommy going to the doctor?"

*cue record scratch" How does he know that when you're hurt, you go to the doctor? I guess it's all those hours of playing doctor at the daycare! I was frankly stunned... Charlie been in daycare for quite some time, but I'm still not used to him learning things outside of the house!

Does your LO ever surprise you with the things they learn from other people?