Hellobee Boards


Does your lo's name have multiple spellings?

  1. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    I THOUGHT we picked one of the easiest/most common spellings for my daughter's name, but recently found out that a character who shares the name on a popular TV show spells it a completely different way (one I wouldn't even have thought of, actually). Hopefully by the time she needs to write her name by herself, the show will be off the air!

  2. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Poor DS... His name is 8 letters long and will always have to be spelled! (Not to mention he has a first name that he doesn't go by and one middle name that only some people call him by, but not me.) His name is really unique but it can be shortened to a common name.

    What really kills me is when people have a crazy-spelled name but don't offer to spell it.

    Like here's me at work. I ask for their first name and they say, for example, "Megan."
    I type it in and ask "M-E-G-H-A-N?"
    They say "No" (and look all annoyed) "It's M-I-E-G-H-H-A-N-N"
    Really?! that was supposed to be my first guess?

    Sorry for the rant I have a really, really common name and I still always spell it for people who need to write it down.

  3. mynoahbear

    pear / 1554 posts

    There's really only 1 way to spell LO's first name but her middle name has multiple spellings.

  4. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    No, not really. I saw a lady try and spell it Charolette one time, but she was cray-cray.

  5. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    @BoogieBea: Yes, exactly! I call her B, and Bebe, and all the derivations. So many of them.


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