This came up in another thread, and it reminded me of a good friend of mine. She handles most daycare dropoffs in the morning, and also handles daycare pickups + bathtime + bedtime. When I asked her why her husband didn't help much, she said that he takes a martial art class after he finishes work. He usually gets home after bath time, in the middle of bed time (or later).

I could totally understand if he had to work late every day But in this case, he could always just come home right away and then go out and work out after bedtime? Or alternatively, wake up early and work out first thing in the morning?

I am of the mind that it's ok to ask your SO to take 100% of the mornings or 100% of the evenings (if they're ok with it)... but giving your SO 100% of both mornings and evenings is a decision that both parents have to sign off on! That said, I realize that this is a very personal decision and every family has to make their own call on what makes sense for them.

Would you be ok with your SO going to the gym after they're done with work every day (and missing bedtime most nights)?