Hi moms! I have a nap question. My son is 10 weeks old and rarely sleeps straight through his naps--he usually wakes several times and I go in and rock him back to sleep pretty easily, so I know he's still tired enough to need sleep, but then (usually) pretty soon he'll wake back up again anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes later. I just keep putting him back to sleep until I can tell that he's ready to be up and/or if he actually gets a decent uninterrupted stretch.
Also, his nap routine is the same as his nighttime sleep routine; I change him, swaddle him, nurse him, turn on white noise, and keep the room as dark as possible. He's able to sleep for longer chunks at night (anywhere from 2-6 hours) so I'm not sure why it's so hard to keep him asleep during daytime naps. Does this sound normal? He'll fall asleep in my arms/after I nurse him, so is this just a case of baby wanting to sleep on me and not on his own? It's so frustrating to go and rock him back to sleep so often because nap time is the only time I can get anything done around the house! Plus, I'm of course worried about him getting quality sleep. Thanks in advance!
P.S.--My first day alone with baby he took an amazing three-hour nap and I thought "Ha! This is easy!" If I only knew…