My LO is almost 17 months. She's been an AWESOME napper since around 11 months. She takes two 1.5-2 hour naps a day, but I think she is transitioning to one nap.

She's been fighting her second nap for a couple weeks now. She seems to go down just fine but around 10 mins later she starts complaining. She complains for a couple seconds, lays her head down for a minute or two then complains again. Sometimes she'll fall asleep but today she's not falling asleep at all.

She's been down for almost an hour right now, but she hasnt slept at all. She's complaining a little bit but mostly just looking around/rolling.

The only problem I'm seeing with one nap is that she gets super tired around 3 hours after waking and she's in a bad mood. If i put her down she'll sleep for 2ish hours. I need her to lengthen her awake time to more like 4-5 hours for normal naptime and so she wont be extremely grumpy in the afternoon.

Will it just take a couple of days of her being really tired to adjust or is she just not ready yet?