I had AF on oct 1 and then again (yes again! this has happened the last 3 cycles, so not normal for me!) on oct 7. We DTD eod after AF until I got my BFP on nov 1. I had an ultra sound this past week on nov 18. The ultra sound tech did an abdominal ultra sound and only found an empty sac. My doctor interpreted this as good news and says I'm right on track and going back in 2 weeks to double check, and has put me on progesterone just in case, (2 previous losses.)
So if going by the first AF, I would have been 6w6d, and by the second AF, I would have been 6w exactly (but this would also mean that I got a BFP, at 11dpo and it was a pretty strong line that came up right away).
So what do you all think, do you think there is still a chance that is will turn out positively? From what I can see on google, there should be something in the sac by the end of the 5thweek....