I was at work this morning sitting at my desk, reached for my mouse and POP, I tweaked my neck really badly. I immediately started sweating all over and felt nauseous, and I couldn't move. Somehow I got to my car and Wagon Sr. got to me (took a cab from his work) and drove me to the ER. It's a spasm and can't do anything about it til it heals itself, so they sent me home with oxycodone (for the pain) and tylenol (for the inflammation). Usually the'yd prescribe muscle relaxants and ibuprofen, but neither are safe for baby.

At the moments of pain I was screaming at the top of my lungs and had tears running all down my face... when the nurse asked me my level of pain, I said if labor was a 10, then this was a 9. That's how bad it was!

Oxycodone is an amazing thing... it makes me nauseous and dizzy but when it starts kicking in, I feel so good. The pain is still there but dulled, and I can relax instead of my entire body being tensed up.

It was such a freak accident but it sucks that I have to miss so much work...! And poor Wagon Sr. had to leave work and attend to me, and he has to take care of Wagon Jr. alone until I heal. Listening to them play and eat dinner downstairs was heartbreaking... I miss my booboo. Before bed Wagon Sr. brought him in and he said "I love you Mommy" and all that... my heart!!!