How do you find time to do anything???
When I get home from work I nurse. Then I hang out with her for a bit if she's not fussing or give her a bath. Then somewhere in there eat dinner or cook if my mom or husband holds her. Then it's try to get her to sleep which is a looong process.
I never get anything done! Laundry stacks up! Diaper genie overflows. Mornings are a rat race to get those things done. And that's WITH my mom here. What am I going to do when she's not??
I think a lot of it is LO is so hard to put down. She has gotten better last couple days -knock on wood- going down at around 930/1000. But usually by 9 is when the work day and lack of sleep hits me so that when she goes down all I want to do is sleep too. I don't even want to get relax time in.
I don't know what I'm going to do when my mom leaves! But then on the other hand I know it'll be a lot easier once we're in the new house because then my husband will be home to help out as well. And LO will also be older and hopefully less fussy. Anddd she'll be in her own room so I can actually go into our bedroom and grab laundry, clean, shower, etc.
How do/did your evenings after work look with a newborn?