OMG I feel so stupid!! I did the most absurd thing earlier!

Im not an angry person. Im just not. I do feel anger but I struggle to express it (it usually comes out as crying). Today, I lost the plot and the result was.... ridiculous.

Im tired, Bees. Im so, so tired. Not just physically, although 7 weeks with reduced sleep has contributed! Im responsible for someone day and night, day after day....and she won't settle to sleep at the moment, dammit! I neeed her to sleep so she will stop grizzling.

So, this afternoon, I got her to sleep and the postman came and woke her up - grr. Then I got her to sleep and my dog SNEEZED and woke her up! Agh! Then, after another half hour of misery I got her to sleep and the phone rang! It was a company trying to sell us windows! DH spoke to the man and put the phone down...

..... at that moment, E started crying and I LOST IT! I grabbed the phone, threw it to the floor and yanked the wire (trying to pull it out the wall) but there was a good amount of wire coiled behind the side table - so I yanked again, and again (emitting an angry squeak)... before DH shouted (angrily) "what are you doing? What's *wrong* with you?".

Anyway, he forgave me for my outburst but has been teasing me all day for my 'furious uncurling of the phone wire'.

Have you ever flipped out in a temper? Was it a better attempt than mine?!