I really need to get my act together financially--something about my postpartum hormones makes me SPEND like crazy (I'm usually pretty responsible). We just finished paying the hospital bills and we're definitely feeling it now. We'd like to save to pay down debt along with paying for the upcoming holidays. I'm hoping I'm not the only one on a spending freeze!
In what ways are you cutting back?
How do you save the most? What do you find helpful?
For us, I've been walking instead of driving lately to save on gas, I stopped going to Starbucks daily, I've deleted my etsy and amazon apps (for now!), we've been focusing on doing activities at home like art projects with LO's, I've stopped buying clothes for LO's since they're set for the fall and early winter (and it's addicting to buy cute clothes for them), I've been going running as a way to take my mind off of spending, we've been potty training DD (we can't really leave the house right now anyway), we've been using all of our food in our fridge and pantry before buying more and baking more often.
I try to take the spending freeze one day at a time because honestly, I have a shopping problem, especially right now. For some reason there is something sickly fulfilling about buying loads of everything. Which, clearly, life is more than materials so I need to reassess what is most important.