I live with my mom, disabled DH, and DS (5). My mom had always had some emotional issues that cause occasional blow-ups. When we bought a house together I knew this could be an issue, but I hoped it would help the financial stress on both of us enough to get along better.

We’ve been here for just over a year and today was an awful blow-up. She started off being mad that I made us late for a hike with my brother and sil. I tried really hard to make light of it because honestly I know they don’t care.

The hike was fine, but on the way back she made a comment that made my precocious 5 year old speak up. He said “you hate everything, grandma”. I laughed because it’s soooo true. She’s extremely negative all the time. She got very upset instead of taking the innocent comment as a chance to reflect and she jumped very quickly to threatening to move out.

This is the same crap she did when I was a kid with my dad (who was no angel) but when she made my baby boy cry with her threats I had enough and told her so. No more threats, it’s cruel! She proceeded to argue every angle and threatened again to leave me with a house so cannot afford on my own.

She cursed, yelled, called me a terrible parent, all in front of a 5 year old. Now that we’re home she’s sulking. She thinks she’s the victim, but she’s the one we have to tiptoe around all the time.

I. honestly don’t know what to do, but if she doesn’t agree to get some counseling and work in these issues I don’t think so can live with her anymore. I also need her help financially, so i don’t know which option is worse.