pomegranate / 3398 posts
@jedeve: I'm not unaware of these things. Again, differing opinions are allowed.
I am also already a mother of two. This isn't my first go at this. Sometimes taking advice or hearing things from someone that's already gone through what you are just getting ready to experience isn't a bad thing.
This isn't an attack but there needs to be allowed differing opinions.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
p.s. I'm sorry you're having to deal with so much drama about this! That's probably the last thing you want to be spending time on right now.
admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts
I would just reschedule the trip. I respect her decision, but also respect your right to make your own decisions accordingly.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@Pumpkinspice: I get it! I was just wanting to be clear that I kind of feel like my house is going to be an incubator for an extended period of time with all of them staying with me! Any other situation - drop in visits or them staying in a hotel - I may not be worried at all...
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@tororojo: No, she said on the phone that it's getting sick FROM the vaccines that would affect her seizures or something, and she said that if she got sick she wouldn't be able to take most OTC meds to make her feel better. I told her to call her neuro and make sure. It really sounded like she was reaching for reasons to blow this off, and I am trying to force her to get hard-core medical reasons!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
Im sorry youre getting such pushback...When my mom got the whooping cough booster, her dr. Told me I was absolutely correct in asking everyone who would have extended contact with the baby the shot, and that he would do the same.
The good news is my MIL and dad both got boosters within the last 4 yrs. just waiting for FIL to get his - he is having surgery in early dec so i bet mil talks him into getting it before then.
My ob/gyn only gives it to the mom in postnatal recovery though.
kiwi / 551 posts
@PrincessBaby: I completely agree that you should be able to request whatever you want of your overnight visitors when they come to visit your newborn and asking them to get these two very common and very accessible shots is not out of the question.
However, my husband did not get either shot and we had a preemie born at the end of December. We had plans to, but the baby came early. I got the whooping cough shot in the hospital and hubs never ended up getting the shot. He was obviously with the baby and holding him everyday. None of us got sick during the winter months and it wasn't until we started weaning a few breastfeeding sessions when he was 6 months old that we got a cold and the baby was the least affected (it hit us much harder).
We kept a lot of hand sanitizer around and asked people to wash hands before holding the baby and did not let obviously sick people hold him. I know every baby is different, but wanted to let you know about our experience.
clementine / 878 posts
Wow, I'm surprised at her strong reaction. I wonder if she will understand if/when she has a baby down the line. Anyways, I still think it's your right, and if she's that against it then she can postpone her visit until your baby's immunities are stronger.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
There were live attenuated flu vaccines (flu mist) that were making some people have a cold but if you get the shot then it's inactivated virus and is not infectious.
I'd talk to her again and say you're really looking forward to seeing her and so thankful she's taking the time to visit but that since it's cold and flu season that you need to take some precautions to prevent your newborn from getting sick when people are staying in the house because illness effects them much more at this young age and often results in hospitalization and you've just heard from too many scary stories from moms. Adults don't always show much outward signs or just think it's allergies but can pass on diseases to LO and you're going to take measures available to prevent that from occurring. Say you'll gladly cover the cost of vaccines for the piece of mind it'll bring you. You might even want to joke about how she and your mom can talk about how crazy you are later but that this would make you feel a lot more secure and maybe even throw in a taking her out to dinner offer
blogger / coconut / 8306 posts
Your kid, your rules.
You can ask them to get the DTAP or Flu shot, but you can't force anyone to vaccinate. If you're dead set on unvaccinated people being around your child, and a family member refuses to get vaccinated, then they can wait to visit baby until cold/flu season is over.
Easy peasy!
clementine / 889 posts
I agree with all of the previous posters. My FIL had surgery before DS was born so he was in the hospital and doctor's office. My BIL, SIL and husband work in a school and I work with kids in residential care. So vaccines were non-negotiable for us. Everyone who saw the baby frequently or who stayed over with us got vaccinated.
I would kindly reply, tell her you have no problem paying for her vaccine if she can't afford it, because you really want her to be able to come visit. I would ask if she can call the neurologist to make sure that the vaccines are fine for her to take. If she still refuses, ask her to come next summer instead. I would say the same to anyone coming to see a newborn.
This is your baby and unfortunately for your sister, your priority is to keep your LO safe and healthy, not accommodate your sister so that she can visit and potentially get your LO sick.
Pertussis is on the rise and there have been outbreaks all over, including in my home community. Babies have died! I would reiterate the risks if you think it would help, but regardless I would stick to your decision and not feel guilty if your sister or anyone else won't agree to be vaccinated.
My SIL is due in January and everyone who hasn't been vaccinated already is going within the month to get vaccinated so we can be around the baby.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
I think I would ask her to reschedule. Cold and flu season is no joke. I think it's very important to get your whooping cough and flu vaccine before being in constant contact with a newborn for multiple days in a row, sharing the same space.
ETA: My parents are going to visit my brother, SIL and their 13 month old in December. They have asked my parents to get the flu vaccine and whooping cough vaccine before they come and he's already a year old. It's never a bad idea to be overly cautious. I would be, with a newborn, especially.
squash / 13199 posts
@PrincessBaby: I havent read all the posts so maybe someone has already said this,but maybe an email wasnt the best way to bring this up? Some people respond better to things if you talk to them one on one rather than a group email.
honeydew / 7488 posts
This is such a tough one. I have always asked my family members to get the flu shot but never the DTAP. Mainly since the flu shot is so easy to find, but DTAP you have to go to your doctor. I'm not sure how they would feel about having to make a special trip to the doctor. Also, I don't know why but there are certain people who just absolutely believe that the flu shot will make them get the flu. My FSIL is extremely careful about her health and very considerate but she said the last 2 times she got the shot, she got the flu, so I don't push her on that one. Good luck navigating all this!
pineapple / 12053 posts
i asked all my and DH's immediate family to make sure they were up on their pertussis vaccine and they were fine with it. DH and i don't personally ever get a flu shot, so i wouldn't force anyone to get it either.
that being said, if i were having people over to my house for an extended stay and i felt strongly about it, i would probably pay for family to get the flu shot if they weren't able to do so. it sounds like your sister is just being adversarial though and doesn't get why it's important to you. i would let it rest for the day and then maybe pick up the convo again tomorrow on the phone to explain why and that you're willing to pay for it if cost is the issue. you want to see her and you want your little girl to be safe too.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
@PrincessBaby: Sorry she was so bitchy to you. If you do end up paying for her vaccines I hope she appreciates them because you totally could have put that money towards more blinged-out pacifiers for Harper
squash / 13199 posts
@T-Mom: yeah i know several people who have gotten flu like symptoms after getting the flu shot, including my baby
kiwi / 538 posts
I agree that it's your baby and your right to ask people to be vaccinated. But honestly- I'm pretty sure if I asked this of my relatives (both sides of the family) the reaction would be the same. It sounds a bit extreme. Getting a vaccine is a little bit different than just asking someone to wash their hands. If this is something that you are that concerned about, it might be better to not have any family visits until your baby is vaccinated. That's the only way you are 100% going to be able to prevent your baby from being exposed to anything.
grapefruit / 4120 posts
I only got the flu shot with my second baby (and none with my first), and my husband didn't get any shots nor did my mom or any other visitors. But, I agree you have the right to ask that.
At the same time, maybe this is not just about the mechanics of the shots? It seems like she's more annoyed with you for trying to make her do something rather than the actual something. Is that a possibility? Because when every excuse in the book comes out (like it is with her) there's usually something else going on.
Maybe after she thinks it over she'll cool off and change her mind...?
pomelo / 5073 posts
@PrincessBaby: tell her she can reschedule. Flu and pertussis are deadly to infants. We are dealing with a possible pertussis outbreak and I'm thanking my stars that I'm not pregnant. It's scary enough dealing with it without worrying about your baby's health too.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
I'm sorry this is turning out to be so tough! My parents and brother were happy to get the shots. I'm making sure my husband broaches the subject with his family. I really don't get the resistance to the DTAP. Most people get it when they go for a physical if the doctor finds they are due for a booster anyway, because it includes the tetanus booster. Maybe it's different in other areas, but here you can get the DTAP (n addition to the Flu shot of course) in Walgreens or any other pharmacy for around $40.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
That's crazy. We have asked everyone to get flu shots and we did not get any pushback. We also didn't let anyone hold our LO till after he had been out of the NICU for a month. My MIl at first was really mean and said she wouldn't come see us at all if she couldn't hold the baby. However once she got here and saw a 4 pound baby she didn't mention holding the baby. Bottom line you need to do what makes you comfortable and of your sister has issues with that maybe she should wai until the baby is older and has a stronger immune system.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@PrincessBaby: Did you get the flu shot while pregnant? If so, doesn't that immune response pass along to the baby, so then the issue would just be Tdap?
ETA: since you aren't being induced for another 2 weeks, if you haven't already been vaccinated, maybe you still can be and protect your LO this way? It won't help solve the drama with your sister, but at least give you extra peace of mind?
pineapple / 12526 posts
I'm pretty sure if I would have asked our families to get shots they would have called me a nutjob and refused to do it. I, honestly, think it's a bit over-the-top as well. Neither DH nor I got the tDap booster and the only reason DH got a flu shot was because the military requires it.
For me, this would have been a non-issue. My mom was trying to come over here to visit for 2 weeks when C was born but she couldn't afford it (international flights are STUPID expensive) and it never even crossed my mind.
In the end, it's your choice but I, personally, would still let her come.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@dookie32: I agree.
My family would have responded poorly as well. I can't imagine asking someone to vaccinate. We had upwards of 25 visitors and there is no way I could have kept track of who was and was not vaccinated. Sick people didn't come and everyone washed their hands constantly. Baby stayed healthy. I tend to be pretty lax about things though.
If you have decided that you don't want unvaccinated people around H then I would wait to have visitors until she gets her shots instead of making other people do it. You have a right to make whatever call you want as a mom....even if it means postponing visits.
I think we have lots of family members who see LO on a regular basis who still arent vaccinated.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@dagret: My dr said that they'll only give DH and I the shot before we leave the hospital as well...
@Mrsbells: My sister is the type to get really defensive and is not known for her warmth or friendliness...She doesn't so well with having something thrown on her and being able to react like a normal person. She just goes into Bitch Mode. So I emailed her to give her time to process what I was asking, so that she didn't just immediately freak out and object.
@JerricaBenton: @krsmall: @birdofafeather: I am jealous that your families are apparently all very normal:)
@lawbee11: I know! I wish my family had good healthy insurance....They're totally cutting into H's Etsy Fun Stuff Fund:)
@sloaneandpuffy: I agree- I'm still trying to figure out what the real issue is going on here. I initially thought it was money, since she gets very nervous and defensive about money - it's always the first thing she complains about or brings up. But I offered to pay for the shots after she verified with her doctor they're ok for her to get and she hasn't gotten back to me.
@Jennimac: I am going to wait and see how she responds....If she is super-bitchy and says no- with no medical reasoning from her doctor- then I very well may get her to reschedule.
@JoJoGirl: The nurse I spoke with said they don't give the pertussin shot while pregnant, but I'd get it in the hospital. And I DID get the flu vaccine, so I need to find out if that will protect her! Maybe Ms Jacks knows!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
I have cried my face off all day about this...My preg hormones are seriously affected by this topic.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@PrincessBaby: Aw, sorry lady! Try not to stress. Everything will work out as it should.
bananas / 9973 posts
@PrincessBaby: I didn't finish reading all the responses, but since it's your sister and she had to save a lot of money to come visit, I would try to meet her halfway and see if she would be willing to go to a CVS or Target to get the Tdap shot at least if you paid for it? I told my immediate family about the vaccine, and they were all okay with it but I can see some people being very adamant about getting what they think are unnecessary vaccines. Being that it's your sister though, I'm surprised she's not willing to jump through fire and hoops for her niece! I just told me family that I wouldn't be so concerned except that our friends lost their baby niece at 1-2 months old to this whooping cough epidemic, so better safe than sorry. It made them all sad to hear the story and no objections. Sorry you"re having a tough day with this one hun.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@shopaholic: That is what I did offer to her - that I would pay for everything and I haven't heard back from her.
I just talked to my mom and she blew up on me- telling me that she raised 3 kids and she's been around my nephew since he was a baby and this was all just "a bunch of bullshit" and I'm going "overboard." She said she's not ignorant- which is funny because that's what I was thinking as I sat and listened to her- that she sounded backwoods and closed-minded and ignorant. She basically went on a tirade and said she's not getting it. My mom has all these medical problems with high blood pressure and diabetes and also anxiety, so she is on a crazy mix of medications, and she said that with all of her health problems, she is not getting the whooping cough vaccine and taking a chance that it would mess her up. I lost my shit and said "You are IGNORANT because you haven't even asked your doctor about this- you're just SAYING that it would mess with your health! You don't even KNOW! How about asking a doctor since you're NOT ONE? I can't believe this is for your grand-daughter, who you'll be around for TWO whole weeks, and you won't even ask your doctor about it! You just say that it's bullshit! If (sister/brother) asked me to do this for them, and I had medical questions, I would ask my doctor and get medical answers- for their baby's sake! I wouldn't just say it's bullshit and refuse it without trying to learn or get more educated!" At that point she hung up on me.
I am so upset that I"m totally prepared to not talk to any of them like - for life. Why are they so selfish?
Do these people not sound like the most ignorant, podunk, backwoods people you've ever heard of?
Ugh- sorry for the rant- but this is why I don't live there anymore! I can't stand that it's still 1952 where they live and no one has any desire to better themselves or learn more, or to PROGRESS!
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@PrincessBaby: I'm sorry this is such a stressful issue all around. Try to take a few hours - and maybe a nap? - to give yourself a break. Nothing will be solved today with emotions running high.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
@PrincessBaby: So sorry she reacted that way It does seem quite selfish, hopefully they will come around. At least now you'll know how NOT to react when Harper makes a similar request one day
bananas / 9973 posts
@PrincessBaby: Oh sweetie {{{HUGS}}} I know what you mean about people who think "like that" vs. think "like us" I guess. I think whatever you decide will be fine. You just have to do what's best for you and your new growing family. I agree with @aprk: and maybe give each other all a cooling off period.
olive / 52 posts
So sorry you are having to deal with this. It is so frustrating that people can't understand why you would want to protect your baby. If she has vaccines, then she shouldn't have to pay out of pocket at all. They are preventative and therefore are now covered 100% (even if you haven't met your deductible) by most insurance plans. It is an Obamacare change that has already taken effect. I wouldn't back down if I was you - I assume she is flying to come see the baby, so no telling what germs will be on the plane with her. The TDAP vaccine is a must - every parenting magazine that comes in the mail includes an article about how much more prevalent Pertussis is now and how dangerous it is for babies. My grandmother absolutely refuses to get any vaccinations - for some reason she now believes that any medical interventions are the work of the devil - so she will not see her namesake (my daughter) until my daughter is fully vaccinated. When I politely explained to her that this meant she may never meet her namesake, she said that was fine by her. Needless to say, our relationship will never be the same in my eyes. I just can't compromise my daughter's health because of a stubborn family member. Good luck to you and again, so sorry you are having to deal with this.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry your family is reacting so badly!!! Ok, take a deep breath and forget about them for a minute. Do a bit of Internet research on the whooping cough epidemic currently sweeping the US and find some strong recommendations from the AAP, the CDC, and Mayo Clinic all saying that those who are going to have extended contact with a newborn really need to have their pertussis vaccination up to date. The baby will get no immunity from you and the earliest she can her her immunizations will be 6 weeks. Pertussis kills babies - this is not a minor cold virus we're talking about. Tell your mom that this epidemic is brand new and if she refuses to follow the medical advice that is current (not what was in place 30 years ago when she was raising babies) then you are not prepared to have her around your LO for extended periods of time until H has received her immunizations. Your baby's health and life is the most important thing and if they can't realise that, then that's their problem and they'll be the ones to miss out on time with the newest member of the family.
I'm sorry this is becoming such a nightmare but stick to your guns - your baby girl is worth it. Good luck!
kiwi / 542 posts
@PrincessBaby: wow. Just wow. She is wayyyyyy out of line. It's not even about the flu shot from the looks of it. It sounds like she is not super keen on coming in December and if her rude, passive aggressive email is anything to go by I doubt she will be a huge help. So sorry you have to deal with this... I have sister issues so can completely relate. Big hugs to you, stand your ground.
coconut / 8475 posts
@IcebergMom: I agree.
You want to hear a pushover's opinion? AH...I am such a damn pushover that I throw EVERYTHING on my husband. My husband is a toughy so he deals with all my family's drama for me. So, maybe that's an option? Sorry friend...I'm a softy.
I would love to be like "force her to get the shot or not to come!" But, I know if my sister did this, I would probably compromise with "Ok...take some Airborne and use sanitizer".
But, my sister wouldn't do that because if I told her I had made a decision based on her NIECE'S health...she would take heed. I think your sister should do the same. However, from her email it seems like she is feeling jealous/resentful/angry? for coming in December and taking precious time off anyways. EEEkkk....you gots some drama on your hands...and guess what? you shouldn't have to deal with this ish right now:)
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
Thanks everyone! I am going to go return some stuff from my baby shower and get H some new stuff so that will make me feel better:)
Does anyone know why my doctor's office may not let me get the Tdap while I'm pregnant, so that I can pass the antibodies on to H? I read here that it can be given during late 2nd tri and third tri, but my doctor's office this morning said that I wouldn't receive it until after I gave birth....
coconut / 8483 posts
@PrincessBaby: Gah. SO sorry. Are you sure you want them to stay with you right after you have H?! Seems like that could be a super stressful situation!
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