Staying at my mother in law's house and I am doing my usual first motn feeding. Baby slept decently, this is his normal first wake up time and I got him to bed right on time.

However, I wasn't able to sleep for almost two hours because she came home from picking up my niece and they were loudly talking in kitchen. I wasn't going to say anything but baby started to stir! He never woke up fully but did the single cry/whine thing on and off for a while, making it impossible to me to doze off for a while.

Then I finally get to sleep and my husband comes over after a long day of working on our remodel. Of course we say a quick hello and then his mom is loudly chatting with him as she prepares him food (he already ate dinner). He gets in the shower and our dog is barking so loud... I sill don't even know what was going on!

So the petty part, I am secretly hoping baby crying woke up all these now sleeping peacefully people in the house!
Maybe I should have labeled this mil/dh rant