Hi everyone, this is my first post I am starting in the boards.

But I have completely lost my jolly/"holiday spirit" and I wondered if I could get some advice/support. I normally love this time of year, but things are super hard, especially around my health. I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago, right after Thanksgiving, and found out that in addition to all my other conditions, I likely have gastroparesis, which is a partially paralyzed stomach.

This has been my hardest condition to deal with yet. I love eating. But I'm having to completely learn again what to eat to avoid a flare. if i slip up, which is so easy to do, it causes all day puking and stomach pain.

In addition to this, I am the solo breadwinner right now. My husband is trying desperately to find a new job and things keep not panning out. It is just a really hard time.

I am trying my best but just feel so discouraged.