Thanks to Mr. Bee for lurker amnesty weekend! It was the final sign I needed to join in. I've been lurking for awhile, and I'm a little shy. However, I realized that when I got excited to check for updates of fellow November 2013 Mamas, I felt silly for not being involved. Lurker amnesty weekend came at just the right time!
My husband and I live in Seattle and have been married for a little over three years. Our first child, a girl, is due on November 28. I'll be a SAHM, and he's a lawyer.
I discovered Hellobee early on in my pregnancy and quickly became hooked on reading the blog posts. It was only in the last few months I realized how much great activity happens on the message boards. Between the blog and the boards, I feel much more prepared for baby than I would have otherwise... I've learned a lot of things I didn't even know I should be asking questions about! I'm happy to have found the site and look forward to learning more from this wonderful community. Thanks to everyone involved!