Hi ladies,
I think (hope!) I have a pretty good base stash of diapers started, but feel like I do not have enough that is small enough or mid size. I also only have the diapers, but know I need supplies to go with, so looking to know what I will definitely need, and/or definitely want to ensure we are ready to give CD'ing a go!
My base stash:
10 BumGenius 4.0 (One Size 8-35lbs)
8 Small FuzziBunz Perfect Fits (7-18lbs)
5 Medium FuzziBunz Perfect Fits (15-30lbs)
12 Large FuzziBunz Perfect Fits (25+ lbs)
All are currently stuffed with one insert, and I have 22 additional inserts (all are polyester based) that vary in size and brand.
I feel like I need flats or prefolds and covers at least to start? Help with sizing? They are what I am most familiar with using in the past (long time ago though). Am I right here? How many would I need?
I will likely use disposables at and just out of the hospital, and then transition to CD as soon as I can (no rush, just when the timing is right!)
Things we definitely need to purchase:
Diaper Pail/Bucket/Container of some sort for at home
Wet Bag for on the go
CD Detergent
Wipes (going to give cloth wipes a try, if not disposables)
Maybe want/need:
More diapers? Prefolds/Covers? More Fitted or AIOs?
Diaper Cream (reading lots of yes vs. no with cloth)
Bamboo Inserts?
Am I missing anything else?
You reading this is greatly appreciated!!!