We decided to throw a party last weekend so we had an excuse to have our friends over since we hadn't had much time to spend with them since the baby was born.

We have some friends that have babies, but it was people we hadn't seen in years and it was a total long shot that they would come. But I decided to invite them anyway and hopefully get a chance to reconnect now that we all have young families.

It was a total success! We had four babies at our house (plus 10 or so adults/not everyone was a parent), and it was so much fun! Hosting parties is one of my favorite things in the whole world and having a house full of little ones made it so much sweeter. And seeing friends that I hadn't seen in so long was so wonderful. My face hurt from all the smiling!

I was having such a good time in fact, that I took exactly no pictures at all. Whoops!