(Copy of post from June '14 board, just need some thoughts please!)
Hey ladies. So I just had my first scan. I'm 5w6d, or maybe 6w.
Not sure what to think about it. Doc assured me it was all "normal." Didn't see a heartbeat yet, but not like that would reassure me much anyway since I've seen one before.
I think the "fetal pole" was measuring at 1 mm. Is this normal?
From what I read online it said the pole grows 1 mm a day, starting at 6 weeks. So does this mean at week six it should be 1 mm?
But then other things I read say the "baby" should be 4 mm by now. I'm so confused.
I hate feeling like this!
ETA: oh yeah, my Doc also said it looks like 2 may have implanted at first, but now there's only one