So this is a long story, but I will try to keep it short...
My best friend purchased a house a couple years ago and later discovered it is in a flood plain and has flooded several times in the last 10 years. They are in VA Beach and this week the rain caused their river/creek to overflow and they have at least a foot of standing water throughout the house (and more rain to come from the hurricane).
They are out of the home and in a hotel, but they discovered that their flood insurance does not cover the cost of living expenses while they repair the damage.
They want to get out of the house, but they owe far more on the home than what they could sell it for. The previous owners did not disclose the flood potential and her realtor didn't know about it either. They have talked to several lawyers about this and they have all said there is nothing they can do.
They are trying to decide whether they should rent or possibly live in an RV on the property while it is repaired, or whether they should walk away and let the bank foreclose, possibly causing them to have to file for bankruptcy.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Other ideas? Input about which option would be the best option financially? I know that it is very likely that this house will flood again in the next few years. Also, any suggestions for what type of professionals they can contact for help would be much appreciated!