I've been pretty hard on myself lately because I've been getting awful migraines and can't be the mom I'd like to be. I either have someone else taking care of my LO for me so I don't get to spend all the time with her that I'd like, or I'll have to take care of her with a headache and can't play with her like I want. I'm more likely to stick a toy in her hand or put her in her jumper or do tummy time while I just lay there. I hate it, and I feel like a bad mother.

And then I watched True Life, I'm a textaholic. There was a mother on that show who ignored her crying son because she was too busy texting all the time. And even worse she would text and drive with him in the car.

I don't take care of my LO the way I would like to because I physically can't. This lady didn't take care of her son properly because she chose texting over him. I know it's not nice to make yourself feel better by putting other people down, but I just can't help it. Sometimes it just makes me feel better so see people do things worse than me.