LO is having an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy at the end of the month and I just got off the phone with the a nurse from anesthesiology about his medical history and prep. I'm REALLY nervous now after talking to her!!

He needs to be on a full liquid diet 48 hours before and a CLEAR liquid diet 24 hours before the procedure and have an enema the morning of, which we have never given him. The problem with this diet is that his daily diet is SO limited and there really isn't much that fits into these categories that he can have. On top of that he will only willingly drink breastmilk (which we used the last of last Monday, unless by some miracle some is hiding somewhere that I overlooked! Wish I would have known and saved some) and his Splash. He really will not drink water....we actually dilute his Splash to keep his liquid intake up :/....After going through the list of options we have the nurse basically only approved white grape juice out of his safe fruits for him to drink or have in popsicles. The problem is he has never had juice of any kind! He can have grapes and raisins so I'm assuming 100% grape juice would be okay. She kept suggesting gelatin but he has never had it and has trouble with meats so I hesitate to try it and wouldn't a reaction right before a scope be even worse? She just kept saying we NEED to keep his sugars up or "we will be in trouble". Basically just venting as I'm getting really nervous here! Anyone else have any experience with a similar situation?