So we've been TTC for almost a year now. Hubby was away all summer and just got back a week ago. Two days after he got home I started feeling really queasy/nauseated. I knew there was no chance of pregnancy despite folks saying it could be possible. A week went by of my being nauseated by the sight f food, and every time I actually dared to eat something, I threw up several hours later. Yuck.

So I went to the duty doctor and he gave me a prescription, but said if it wasn't working by evening to go to Emergency to get blood tests and an ultrasound. Ended up at Emergency for HOURS, got sent home with instructions to come back in the morning for MORE blood tests and the ultrasound.

Turns out I have gallstones in my gallbladder and one that escaped and is stuck and blocking. Need to go in for Tuesday to have a camera shoved down my throat to knock it loose and see if there are any others. After that they'll send me to surgery to remove my gallbladder so it doesn't happen again. Thank God hubby is home, he's been my rock. And thanks to his bosses who are letting him stay home an extra week so I'm not alone for surgery.