LO is 8 weeks old and I'm feeling a bit lame for not getting out more. I take a walk every day, but it's planned around his awake and nap time, and I'm not out for more than an hour. On the weekends, we do go out for a couple of hours, but I'm anxious the whole time about whether/how we're messing with his schedule and that he won't get enough sleep. On one hand I read things that say stick to his "schedule" (whatever that is) no matter what, whereas others emphasize getting out more.

What is/was your approach for taking LO out? Do you plan it around nap/feeding schedules or do you just get out there and adjust as necessary? When did you become comfortable with outings and having LO adapt to schedule disruptions?

I should point out that LO does not nap well, if at all, in the carseat so I can't count on him taking a nap when we go out. The carrier is a little better, but not great.