I had a follow up appointment today about a cyst that was found at a previous GYN appointment, and while the cyst was gone, the U/S tech found that my trusty ol' ute was expelling my Mirena! I've been having bad back pain, and now it makes sense... I was freakin' laboring an IUD. Doc says I have a powerful uterus that's just good at pushing out "foreign objects" - makes for efficient delivery, but not so great for IUDs.

I also found out, after a cancer profiling, that I can't use estrogen-containing BC. Apparently I'm at increased risk for breast cancer, so my only BC options are Mirena or mini pill. Since the Mirena is out, it looks like I'm taking the mini pill. I've heard nothing but awful things about it. Someone tell me that you love the mini pill! I don't want to be destined to a life of condoms.