Last night I took both kids to Target by myself for the first time. I've been nervous about taking them both out without another adult, but I decided to brave it last night. It went really well, and we got what we needed and got out without incident.

I've been working with the toddler about getting some independence (putting on her own clothes and shoes, getting in and out of her car seat by herself, etc.) so I opened the car door and asked her to get in her seat while I put the baby in the other side. I put the cart away and gave the toddler her popcorn and started driving off, patting myself on the back for going out there and braving the world with both of them alone. I drove about two feet before my toddler said, "I need my buckles!" And I realized I forgot to buckle her in her seat belt.

Luckily she told me before we even got out of the parking lot, but it sure shot my ego down quickly!