That I was giving birth to a second baby, a girl with perfect bow lips, blue eyes that look just like mine and E's, and a wisp of blond hair. I dreamt that my water broke at home, in the middle of the night, and DH called up my ILs to come over and stay with E. While he was on the phone I went into E's room, woke him up and rocked him. I was trying to savor him the last moments of him being my only child, my baby. I whispered to him how much I loved him, and how we were going to bring him home a baby sister but that he would always be the one that made me a Mama. Then my ILs were suddenly there, and my FIL stayed with E while MIL went with us to the hospital.

In the dream I didn't get an epidural because I assumed it would fail again, and if I was going to have to labor more than half the time without it working I didn't even want to get it to start with. Of course it being a dream the labor was over almost instantly, and with one push and no pain she slid out. She was calm, opened her eyes and looked at me, and when she cried out she sounded exactly like Evan does when he wakes up and is scared...which woke me up instantly, because the hail on the roof this morning woke him up, lol.

DH likes to hear about my dreams, but I didn't tell him about this one. We're still in conversations about whether or not we want another baby, and he's still in the "Doubt it" column.

Have you had any interesting dreams lately?