This morning on our way out from daycare dropoff, a lady was standing on the side of the road leading out from daycare and signaled to us, so we pulled over and opened the window. She then proceeded to YELL at us for speeding down the street, said she saw us "bullet" down the road, and said "I live in this neighborhood, I don't know where you live, but if your kids go to nursery school here, imagine if you lived here and you were speeding and you hit and killed a kid, how would you feel then?" She was already walking away because Wagon Sr. had put his hand up and said "yes, thank you, alright" and we just drove away.
Normally when people say these kinds of things I go straight to apologetic, but I was immediately livid. The cross street she was waiting at is one of the busiest roads in town, and she obviously stalked us down there and waited for us to come back out after dropping the kids off. It's a known busy area and kind of dangerous because there's a school bus stop on that corner, and it becomes even more dangerous because parents park (RIGHT in front of the "no stopping anytime" signs all over!!) and wait for the school bus and there are kids everywhere. So there are cars all over the place, the buses literally stop right in the road to pick up the kids and it causes all this traffic right at rush hour. There is NO way we were going more than 10 mph anywhere near this intersection because of all the traffic. Unless she stalked us from like, half a mile away, there's no way she could have observed us going more than 10 mph. And the only road we drive on other than that road that's within walking distance has a speed limit of 35. The police station is RIGHT around the corner and they're always out there with the speed guns so we're always super vigilant.
Anyway, I had to get this off my chest. This lady was obviously sensitive because her kid's bus stop is at such a busy intersection and she gets nervous, but she has no right to pull us over and yell at us for driving our car under the speed limit on a public road! I lived on an even busier road for 6 years in that town and as annoyed as I got with some drivers, I never took it upon myself to flag one down and yell at them and present a hypothetical situation where they kill a child.