My LO (12 mo) has always been a horrific sleeper (day and night). I mean so bad that for the first six months of his life he slept on me ONLY. We have tried everything. And we have gone through long periods of consistency with a particular technique which made no difference so I know it's not a consistency issue. His naps have NEVER been decent for more than a few days. It's gotten to the point lately where he simply won't go down all day despite several attempts. Me, DH, and my sister (who is our part-time nanny) are just DONE. The screaming and crying and hysteria are terrible for everyone and he simply will not sleep. I am SUPER cynical about all nap-training techniques because we have done various versions of them ALL. At this point, I think I would only go for some super radical technique (of which I have yet to hear any).

I know this sounds CRAZY, but if he simply refuses to nap, why bother trying to force him??? Someone talk me down from this ledge. It's just so ridiculous to try to force someone to nap - he just won't sleep! help...