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Has anyone ever asked if they could use your address?!?

  1. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: I forgot who the 90210 kid was so I just Googled it...Andrea Zuckerman!

  2. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @autumnlove: I almost poster her name in the original post and spelled it Ah-ndrea

  3. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    Oh fudge..I just checked the mail and we have mail from the high school for the lady. Ahhhhhhhh!!!

  4. lomom

    nectarine / 2127 posts

    I googled this out of curiosity, to see what repercussions there could be and people have been charged with fraud, including the ones allowing their address to be used... Scary stuff!

    Its frustrating to those who follow the rules. My parents felt strongly about sending us to a certain school district and bought a house, much smaller than what they could've purchased elsewhere, so that we could attend those schools--legally.

    If I were in your shoes, I'd do a little more research into your possible legal repercussions if you knowingly permit this fraud to occur. I wouldn't be willing to risk it for a stranger!

  5. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    I would let her use it. Other than a piece of mail every now and then, it's not a bother. As someone who lived out of my school district and used another address, I would be devastated having to move schools and friends so close to graduating. A friend of mine got caught and had to transfer, no other reproccusions.

  6. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @autumnlove: oh no!!! you already got mail :(:( that's awful. I'm so sorry you're in this position. Totally sucks.

  7. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    Hope you don't mind but I showed your post to DH and he suggested that you inform the police. He would call the police, tell them that someone came to the house, registered their child under your new address, and that you just received mail from the school for this person. He thinks this would cover you legally and deals with the problem at the same time.

    I should add that we have two friends on our local police force here in Nashville. We're very comfortable calling our friends up and asking them for advice when we hit weird situations like this. If you can, I can call one of them and get their opinion on the matter. I know that we don't live in the same city/state (I'm assuming) but it would give you a different perspective.

  8. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    Hmm this is a tough one. It is kind of weird though, and since it isn't a family friend, I would feel weird doing this for someone. It isn't exactly legal. I do feel bad for the kid though, if he should have to leave his friends/school so late in the game. Do you have any cop friends you could ask for advice like @NaturallyCathy mentioned? I think that is a great idea. Change your lock on your mailbox for sure though, she could very well have another key.

  9. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @autumnlove: I know you might feel bad for the kid, but...would you still feel bad if you were charged with a crime and/or forced to pay back tuition for all the years he's gone to school in the district?

  10. andrea86

    cherry / 134 posts

    Ugh, that puts you in a really tough position! I do feel bad for the kid possibly having to switch schools like that but at the same time its illegal to be doing what they are doing and you should not have to deal with the potential repercussions. I honestly cant believe she would even ask you that! Couldnt she have put a different mailing address anyway? We are a military family and my kids have had to change schools every year for the past 5 years.... then again we are able to afford to live in good neighborhoods with nice schools too!

  11. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    Honestly I think it's REALLY crappy the the previous owners left you with this mess. They should have told their friends to come up with a new solution. It's not your responsibility to worry about this kids future. I know that sounds heartless but your responsibility is to YOUR girls. You need to protect them and knowingly committing fraud could very likely have a serious negative impact on your family. I would report it. And I would probably give the woman a call and give her a head's up that unfortunately you can not and will not be an accomplice to her crime.

  12. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @MamaMoose: I'm so bummed out...I need to stop thinking about this! I just feel like she will be back soon...the mail I received today looks like a report card or progress report. Gah!

  13. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @autumnlove: Any change, dearie? Everything going okay?

  14. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @NaturallyCathy: Hi! I talked to my real estate agent and he told me to stay out of this situation and document any visits from this woman. I returned the mail I received on Saturday and I also filed a claim with USPS and advised them to only deliver mail in our names...everything addressed to this woman should get returned automatically...
    I still feel bad but I need to get over it!

  15. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @autumnlove: I agree. I didn't mean to bring it back up. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay with you. Hopefully this situation fixes itself without any further negative effect on you or your family. I hope she doesn't come back!


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