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Has anyone had their wisdom teeth pulled after the age of 18?

  1. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    I had all 4 of mine removed + a bone graph at the same time and it wasn't bad at all! I felt like crap that day because of the anesthesia, so I wouldn't have been able to watch a kid that day. Over the next few days my mouth was just sore, but I could eat and function just fine! I think it depends on how you handle pain medicine too. If DH takes one percocet, he's asses out on the couch whereas I would need 2-3x that to knock me out. So I think that has a lot to do with how you will be able to get around!

  2. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    @MsLipGloss: Waking up during surgery is one of my worst nightmares! I'm not sure why meds tend to work really well for me. I also once slept 18 hours straight after a half dose of cough syrup containing codeine.

  3. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @MamaMoose: lol!

    @Weagle: That sounds pretty awesome (to me at least!), but also pretty scary, too (not being able to anticipate how meds will affect you). I have always had a difficult time getting proper doses for pain meds . . . I have a really high pain tolerance, but it does take a higher dose of most meds for me to get relief.

  4. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    Yes, I had all 4 removed while I was in college. They were impacted and the roots were growing around the nerves, so they had to be removed by breaking the teeth and pulling out the smaller pieces.

    My oral surgeon said I healed like I never had surgery.

  5. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I'm in the same boat, they have never bothered me but my dentist keeps telling me to do it before I'm 30...which is next year. BUT we are trying for baby #2 so it's just going to have to wait a little longer. I keep putting it off because I'm so dreading having it done! I'll have them surgically removed because 2 of them will have to be dug out.

  6. KayKay

    pear / 1961 posts

    Yep, had all 4 of mine out sometime in my early 20s. Just did novocaine during the procedure. Had some pain/swelling for the first day or two after but nothing bad enough to take the Rx drugs. I actually didn't think it was unpleasant at all. However, I know others who had a rough go of it.

    Sounds like the plan to do it on a Friday when you have childcare help and a weekend to recover is the best bet!

  7. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    I would do all 4 at once, and have someone lined up to help the first day or two.

    I got all 4 of mine out in college. 3 of mine were impacted. The overall recovery wasn't bad at all, but the first two days were rough. The anesthesia and meds made me vomit, and I was just totally out of it. I couldn't take care of myself, much less a toddler. Good luck! You'll do fine!

  8. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I am so sorry I def think maybe just take the plunge and do it all at once and just take a few days to recover and make sure someone's there to pamper you and do whatever you need them to!

    I still haven't gotten any of them taken out... Every year I go to the dentist I nervously ask if everything still looks okay.

  9. PixieStix

    apricot / 322 posts

    Yep. All at once. Got mine out after 18. I am a big baby when it comes to pain and procedures like that and I was cool. I was given a prescription for Motrin and some stronger painkiller like Percocet or something. I never used the Percocet and only had Motrin the first day. Just be very careful not swish mouthwash or anything too hard so that the holes can heal up nicely. I had 3 of them removed -- I think 2 were impacted. It ended up being a really easy procedure.

    P.S. I ate some blended chicken, potatoes and broccoli and ate it like a pureed soup afterwards. It tasted pretty good.


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