Has anyone tried HIPP Combiotic First Infant Milk Formula? I am thinking of ordering it for our reflux babe and have heard great things. Has anyone used this formula and liked it?
Has anyone tried HIPP Combiotic First Infant Milk Formula? I am thinking of ordering it for our reflux babe and have heard great things. Has anyone used this formula and liked it?
nectarine / 2288 posts
I haven't personally used it but my cousin loved it for her twins. Several mom's in one of my mom groups are using it and have all been happy with it
kiwi / 549 posts
I haven’t used it but we did use Holle which I think is similar? Our LO did seem to do better on Holle than similac in terms of fussiness and spit up but who knows if that was my imagination!
pomelo / 5257 posts
I don’t know if you’re in the US, but FWIW, the FDA and AAP have issued warnings about this and other European formulas because they’re not regulated by the FDA: https://parenting.nytimes.com/feeding/european-baby-formula
pear / 1648 posts
I used it to combo-feed with my older baby (9-12m). We bought our formula in Belgium and Netherlands, but from what I understand different European countries have slightly different formulations. It was the best choice for us since it was closest to breastmilk. The next best option we found in the US was Baby's Only, but I still preferred the HiPP when we had it. I bought ours directly from the grocery stores in Europe (we were traveling at the time I switched to combo-feeding), but I would make sure you completely trust the importer or have a friend bring some back.
ETA: we didn't have issues with reflux but the formula did mix much more easily/quickly than US formulas, so I could see that being a benefit.
kiwi / 529 posts
@MrsSCB: Thank you! It was a great and informative read. I think we will just have to find a vendor that we truly trust if we decide to go this route.
kiwi / 529 posts
@MamaBear87: Would you mind asking your mom group friends where they purchase? I would like to use a trusted vendor for sure if we decide to try it.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@MrsSCB: they're regulated by the European entity which is like the FDA and far stricter. Just because the us doesn't regulate it doesn't mean it isn't regulated.
kiwi / 549 posts
@paigeface: we bought it from organic start. They are based in ny and store everything in their warehouse. Seemed very responsible and the formula always came quickly. We had no concerns with safety since European regulations are stricter than FDA but obviously it’s a personal decision.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@paigeface: checking with them for you!
This is where a few mom's have ordered from https://babykindmarket.com/collections/hipp-germany/products/hipp-organic-formula-stage-1-bio-combiotic-infant-milk-600g-0-months?afmc=1u&utm_campaign=1u&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate&variant=28104006145
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MamaBear87: yes, which means it's perfectly safe in those European cities. However, in the US, it's being sold illegally. Which means there's no guarantee it's not counterfeit or tainted, and no one is checking if it's being stored safely and properly before it's getting to you. Also, European regulations are not "far stricter." In fact, the article points out that particularly with allergies, formulas that might be considered "hypoallergenic" in Europe would not be here. Also "the European Union has been criticized for lax oversight of industrial food companies and weak reporting standards, especially since European governments generally allow food companies to self-report problems to regulators."
nectarine / 2288 posts
@MrsSCB: I meant the ingredients they allow in formula are stricter. the FDA allows high fructose corn syrup in formula, often the first ingredient. And I get there's some grey area on it being sold but if I needed to give my infant formula I would be looking for options that didn't include something I try to avoid for myself.
And I agree there is some risk involved but the us options are also pretty horrendous so there doesn't seem to be an entirely risk free option
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MamaBear87: corn syrup solids (not the same as HFCS) are mainly in the hypoallergenic formulas as the carbohydrate, because those babies can't tolerate the lactose that's in non-hypoallergenic formulas. HiPP comfort is marketed as hypoallergenic in Europe, but it has ingredients derived from lactose. That's why it wouldn't fit FDA standards for hypoallergenic. Anyway, people can obviously buy whatever formula they want. Just wanted to share that the AAP has warned there is an inherent risk in buying unregulated formulas. The American options are certainly not "horrendous," they are perfectly safe and some of the most well-regulated products in the country.
kiwi / 529 posts
I personally feel very safe buying them as long as I am buying them from a responsible supplier and it is air shipped. I even found an organic company that displays their warehouse temperatures and only gets it shipped in from air. They are located in the US. https://huggable.com/pages/faq
kiwi / 529 posts
@MamaBear87: I do have to agree with you. The similac sensitive formula we are using now has it in it and i'm not crazy about it. I personally try to avoid it as well so I don't particularly like that I am giving it to my infant.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@paigeface: sounds like you’ve made your decision. Although if your child has been on a more sensitive formula, the lactose may not sit well with them. I just hope as an aside that no one’s been made to feel bad by their children’s perfectly good food being called horrendous 🙄
ETA: and just to be very clear, the issue is not whether or not the formula is regulated at all. It is subject to regulation *in europe* which makes it a safe choice *in Europe.* The issue is that importing formula in the US is illegal, so the formula is not subject to testing or regulation once it gets here.
kiwi / 529 posts
@MrsSCB: I do not agree that our formula is bad here in the US I just am in the camp that if something would help my LO's reflux I am all for it. I am sad that she's not doing so great on the US formulas and I have tried many. Not thrilled that most of the ones we have tried that have made her a little better like the Similac Senstive have corn syrup and carrageenan. However, we could try this UK HIPP option as well and it could do nothing or be more of the same.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@paigeface: I’m sorry it’s been so difficult, I know that must be frustrating. I do hope you find something that works great for her.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
So as a European maybe I can bring some light into the hypoallergenic part of the discussion: It means the lactose/milk protein is split up so that it doesn’t resemble the original makeup and often babies then tolerate it better. Now a child that is actually allergic to milk protein or lactose will not tolerate that formula - and it clearly states that on the box.
On the controls part: here in Europe the ingredients are strongly regulated by the EU. As parents we then check neutral test institutions tests’ results (I guess like consumer reports) which products test best.
I hope that helps. Let me know if you have questions.
kiwi / 529 posts
@Pumuckl: Thank you for the info! Is there one that is popular in Europe or one that you have personally tried that you recommend?
persimmon / 1168 posts
@paigeface: this is so off topic, but I’m just curious how you knew your baby had reflux? My girl has spit up in the past two days which is very unusual for her - trying to figure out what is going on
nectarine / 2243 posts
We’ve ordered hipp and holle from organic start. They are based in Brooklyn and ship super fast. I supplemented with both
I’ve also purchased it while in Europe.
We like both and have had great experiences with both. I’ve tasted both, and they both taste similar to breast milk (unlike US formulas...gag)
apricot / 271 posts
I tried hipp with my daughter and it smelled exactly like enfamil. I suspected it was counterfeit and gave it away. My pediatrician said she would not give it to her own kids.
kiwi / 549 posts
And my close friend who is a pediatrician gave Holle from organic start to both her babies. So...clearly it’s a personal decision. There is nothing objectively wrong with US formulas. They are highly regulated and safe. But for reflux, my LO did better on Holle and i liked that it seemed more like breastmilk. Which isn’t really rational but there it is. Good luck!
kiwi / 529 posts
@magnolia: My son had reflux as well at the same age so I knew some of the symptoms right away like swallowing when not eating, wet hiccups, stinky milk breath, spitting up after some feeds, and crying through some of the end of bottles (she did this breastfeeding too towards the end of the feed!) Also, she won't stay asleep long on her back because the acid disturbs her sleep. I thought it was colic in the first couple weeks but started to realize the crying was due to the acid. I took her to the pediatrician a few weeks ago when it was at the worst and got her formula changed to sensitive which helped a little. Reflux stinks! Praying it passes soon as her body matures like it did with my son. I hope your LO doesn't have it but it seems like it is so common these days.
kiwi / 529 posts
@JJ2626: Agreed! Anything is worth a shot for the reflux! I am not against US formula at all and used it with my son but my DD is so reflux that if this helps make her happier I am all for it! I am thinking of making the switch to HIPP when we run out of the Similac Sensitive. If it doesn't work I can always go back.
kiwi / 529 posts
@thepicklemonster: Your pediatrician said she wouldn't give any European formula to her own kids? Seems more like a personal decision. Did she give you insight as to why she would not?
apricot / 271 posts
@paigeface: Yes, because of the counterfeiting and potential recall issues. As well as the availability of perfectly good American formulas. it’s a personal decision but I often ask my pediatrician what she would do.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@paigeface: @thepicklemonster: that doesn’t seem surprising if the AAP as an organization is cautioning against it. Most pediatricians follow AAP recommendations. I wouldn’t personally go to one who didn’t.
kiwi / 529 posts
@thepicklemonster: @MrsSCB: If there are great US options please list them! I would love to review all options. I am not thrilled with some of the ingredients of Similac Sensitive and want to make a switch. Maybe trying the NON-GMO version with the added prebiotics of Similac Sensitive?
pomelo / 5257 posts
@paigeface: That's tough because I think the Similac Sensitive actually is a good option, haha. Have you voiced your concerns about the ingredients to your ped? This one does say "non-GMO," not sure if it's the one you're already using. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KQ9DL9G?creativeASIN=B01KQ9DL9G&linkCode=w61&imprToken=UEaPfJ6IO2xHprz6LE2NKA&slotNum=3&tag=hello-baby-20
kiwi / 529 posts
@MrsSCB: We use this exact one (https://abbottstore.com/similac-sensitive-ready-to-feed-1-qt-bottle-case-of-6-5753378.html) in ready to feed 1 qt bottles! The one you listed is the one I have considered switching too as it has some more added prebiotcs and Non-GMO. However I was nervous because for some reason the reviews are not as great as the version we are using now.
kiwi / 529 posts
@MrsSCB: Feeling a little silly now because I just did a side by side comparison of the Non-GMO PRO Advanced Sensitive and just the regular Similac Sensitive that we are using and they are basically identical. Only one different ingredient which I am guessing is the prebiotic..... everything else is the exact same. The version we have isn't sold at Target anymore so I am thinking I can just buy the pro-advanced and it won't make a difference and plus that it has the prebiotic in it.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@paigeface: don't feel silly! There are so many options and ingredients, not to mention lots of information (accurate and misleading) out there. Throw in being a sleep deprived mom of a young baby, and this stuff is ultra-confusing. I think that makes sense, though. I looked at the reviews on amazon and it seems like a lot of the negative ones are related to packaging being smushed or the seal being broken. That may not be an issue if you buy from somewhere like target vs. amazon.
kiwi / 529 posts
@MrsSCB: It's overwhelming... I'd like to find one without the added items I don't prefer AND be gentle for reflux....
kiwi / 529 posts
If anyone has suggestions for US Formula that's good for reflux but also has better ingredients please let me know! We still may go the EU route but i'd consider US first.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
My DD had severe reflux (due to 2 minor hernias) and a mild lactose intolerance. Although I did BF, she was put on suplementary Alimentum by Similac (and ranitidine). She thrived on it (and, it has a faint "french fry odor" which isn't as gross as the "fishy" formulas). It is Non-GMO and is a hypoallergenic formula. My DS had minor reflux (and terrible gas) so to supplement my BF-ing, he was placed on Gerber Soothe. He had far less gas but still had his reflux. He was, then, also given Alimentum, which worked well for him.
I do not know if you have tried it, nor am I certain if any of the ingredients are ones that you would prefer to steer clear of. In any case, here is the Alimentum web page (including ingredient list) for your review:
Best of luck.
persimmon / 1367 posts
I have nothing to add to the original post question, but since you asked a follow up I'll mention that LO had pretty bad reflux (treated with Zantac and gas drops) and Enfamil AR was a lifesaver for us. It's not hypoallergenic but it is slightly thicker than regular formula and really helped LO spit up a lot less which led to way less acid irritation in her esophagus. My ped suggested it and I was very comfortable with the ingredients.
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