Today DH & I were discussing some professional opportunities that are on the horizon for him. He said, "If and when this comes to fruition, we should start really talking about having a baby." Of course, that made my heart leap! We always said we'd TTC after we'd been married about 3 years, and that would be right on time, but still... very exciting to hear it spoken out loud as a reality!

Still, the logical part of me started calculating immediately. Even with a substantial raise for DH, if I stayed home full-time, we'd take a considerable cut to our income. Right now, we have a very small savings, a good chunk of debt, and we rent. I don't think we could really manage on less than what we make now, plus a baby.

I voiced this to DH, and he very reasonably said that we could either TTC soon, and I would work full-time, or we could wait until he made even more money so I could stay home. That is definitely not guaranteed at all, and definitely not within the next few years. If anything, it's more likely that I start making a considerable salary before him.

It's so hard to feel like babies are being dangled in front of me, but to know we can't do it the way I want right now. I know that we could make a lot of sacrifices to make it work, but I'm not sure either of us want to do that. But then I tell myself it will never be perfect.... I just feel torn!

What would you do? Wait? Go for it?