Background: From last August (2011) until last May DH and I lived in my (soon to ex) step-SIL's basement (short story: my stepbrother's a douche, SIL is my BFF and I took her side over stepbrother's) so that we could help her with her two girls/settle into the area. In May we moved about half an hour away, which made me very sad but it was a shorter and easier commute for DH.

SIL texted me yesterday to let me know that a house about half a block from is up for rent (ironically it was until a few weeks ago being rented by stepbrother).

-It's at least twice the size of our apartment for the same price. -It's on a great quiet street with lots of kids (including one born a few months before E and one a month after).
-We already know the area and the residents.
-Excellent school district.
-Next to a big park/community swimming pool.
-Half a block from my BFF SIL and two favorite nieces.
-I don't have any friends here.
-DH works late. It would be nice to have people to eat dinner with.
-Walk-in closets.

-We just moved a few months ago. DH is not excited by the prospect of moving again so soon.
-We'd have to break our lease.
-We'd lose the security deposit on our apartment.
-We like our apartment.
-Apparently there's a lot of interest in it.
-We'd either have to get a new pedi (we LOVE ours) or travel 30 minutes to see her.
-Crappy, longer commute for DH.

Have you ever broken a lease? Do you think we should try for it?