I'm doing it...I think. I'm deleting my Facebook account. Facebook doesn't make me happy anymore. It's not so much a jealousy thing as just a general disappointment with the whole experience. I could waste an hour sifting through pictures, taking quizzes, and "liking"status updates; but at the end of the day, I do not feel any closer to my friends, I don't feel satisfied with my spent time, and well, I guess I lied, I do occasionally feel jealous. The longer our TTC journey is, the less rewarding Facebook is. I'm not going to get public support for our struggles and it does hurt to see everyone else's baby posts.
I just feel like I've hit this point in my life where I need to de-clutter, so to speak. My one concern is that I will not find out about social events and what not...but my closest friends will still keep me in the loop. It's time for me to start nourishing relationships with actual conversation and just let go of the "friends" that are merely just stalk-worthy acquaintances.
Have any bees out there deleted their accounts? What were your experiences with it? It was worth it, right?