I love baking. I bake (and batch freeze/reheat) mini oat banana chocolate chip muffins for my son as breakfast, and I sometimes bake a very delicious almond flour chocolate zucchini banana bread. These are my go to recipes. I am always trying to make paleo versions of baked goods because I know I'd be eating them and if I overeat on carbs it SHOWS very quickly.

I have always wanted to bake DS's birthday cake. I found a few recipes, and while I am tempted to try, they are not the most "healthy" (regular white flour with a bunch of butter and sugar), and I haven't really been able to bring myself to make it because of the fear of me eating half of the cake. I always love baking with almond flour, but if we were to bake a birthday cake and invite friends, the cake should be at least nut free. So I am reaching out here - do you have any go-to (birthday) cake and frosting recipe that is super delicious, health conscious and nut free (ideally paleo/ not regular flour, but an alternative like coconut flour), and doesn't use a ton of sugar and butter in it? I would love to try it out!