I have an appointment next week, so I'll be asking my doctor about this. In the meantime I just wanted to see if anyone had advice and/or wants to commiserate with me about heartburn.

I've been dealing with heartburn since I was about 14 weeks, but just recently (I'm 26 weeks now) it has become unbearable. I can't eat anything without having really bad heartburn now. I've been staying away from anything spicy, fried or greasy, but that's not really making a difference. I'm supposed to be drinking a gallon of water a day but water just makes it worse. I make sure not to lay down after eating because I read that will make it worse, but sitting up doesn't help either. I think the problem is actually baby placement and less about food, because one of the babies is way up under my ribs and has been the whole time.

My container of extra strength Tums says not to exceed more than 10 in a 24 hour period, but I'm sure some days I have way more than 10. I can't go anywhere without my Tums either. Some nights I curl up on the couch and clutch my Tums container like it's a teddy bear. My husband says he's going to buy stock in the things because I'm probably keeping the whole company in business.

I'm just wondering if anyone has found anything that brings relief? Are there prescription strength Tums I can take?? Or some other pregnancy-safe medicines that might work better than Tums? Obviously the Tums and I are close, but I'm willing to forsake them for some real relief!