Hi everyone! I wanted to take a minute to say hello, and introduce myself.

I'm a mom-wife-traveler-crafter-professional, living in the Pacific Northwest. My husband and I welcomed our little one earlier this year. She's pretty sweet. She never stops moving, and just today, I had to fish a wet paper towel from her mouth (right after she tried eating the cord to my breast pump).

I find myself being pretty passionate about natural parenting, but I'm also pretty realistic about things. ie: Tonight I had a frozen chicken patty, and some boxed mac and cheese for dinner, WITH PRIDE! And, we are all about no screen time, but I'll admit I've dropped my phone on my baby while breastfeeding. Yeah, mom of the year.

While I have lots of friends here in town, many of them don't have babies yet, so that's what I'm hoping to find here: a community of moms who engage in thoughtful, intentional parenting.

Parenting has been the most humbling experience of my life. We're hoping to raise a lovely human being, and not subscribe to a certain method or movement.

Thanks for letting my introduce myself. I look forward to getting to know you bees.