Hi Everyone. I'm quite new to Hellobee, only been lurking a couple of weeks, mostly I've been reading through the blog, but have recently started on the boards. I'm 30 years old, from Norway but living in the UK with my british husband of 5 years. We are pre-TTC, starting TTC in March 2014. It can't come soon enough for me, I've been consumed with baby fever for years but hubs has not been ready. Then two weeks ago he told me he thought we should started trying in the new year, I honestly wasn't sure this day would ever come so for now we are getting ready for TTC with a healthier lifestyle, excersise, vitamins etc, I'm also about to start charting so I can know my cycle a bit better. Having waited this long I want us to have the best possible starting point.
Looking forward to getting to know you and your stories.