Ok, so we're at 17 months, and I can't believe that we still rock my daughter down for naps. She goes to bed on her own at bedtime, and she also naps on her own at daycare, so I know that she can put herself to sleep. However, she was always a crappy napper, so we have continued to rock her to sleep at home at nap time, and it works quite well.

I know we can't rock her to sleep for naps forever however, and I've decided this needs to stop sometime soon. I tried today for the millionth time to put her in her crib awake for her nap, and she responded in her typical way. As soon as I left the room I watched her (in her monitor) stand up, and jump around in her bed. She continued to dance, jump, and just not sleep for the next 20 minutes until she finally lost her final binky out the side of the crib, got her leg stuck between the slats in the crib, and started crying to me for help. She sstill howed zero interest in napping. I finally picked her up, brought her to the glider and started rocking her. She was passed out within 5 minutes.

I'm open to any suggestions to teach her to nap on her own. I am totally open to cry it out, but that would actually require crying... and she usually just seems gleeful when I leave her in her crib on her own at nap time. For whatever reason, she thinks nap time is hysterical.

Any good ideas out there?