Hello! I don't post often but really enjoy reading these boards and now I'm desperate for advice!

Our LO is 11 months old and has suddenly quit sleeping! I am typing this going on 1:15 of bouncing in the carrier, i can't believe I am back at this again! We did some CIO sleep training when he was younger and it really was amazing. For at least the last four months he has happily gone down for all his naps and bedtime with absolutely no fuss and has slept like a champ (through the night)!

For the past three days he has completely gone back to a newborn phase and absolutely will not go to sleep in his crib and will only sleep if he is in the carrier or car seat. Fine for naps but impossible for night sleep because he wakes up the minute you try to move him to his crib.

He is 11 months, just started walking, seems clingy, possibly getting some teeth etc etc. I'm sure he could be in the middle of a developmental leap/separation anxiety/teething..

For those who have been here before, is this just a phase or do I have to repeat sleep training again?! I tried CIO for one nap. He cried on/off for 30 minutes and fell asleep sitting up. I literally had to move him because he just completely folded over with his face in his lap!

To make matters worse I am going back to work in two weeks, we have hired a live in nanny who just arrived and is trying to sort out our schedule except it's completely upside down and I really don't want to teach her to rock him to sleep and then be stuck with that for the months to come! she seems uncomfortable letting him cry and I don't think she actually believes me when I've told her that he used to sleep well haha. I can tell that she just wants to rock and bounce him to sleep because that's what she is used to and I really don't want to create and new bad habits!

Any suggestions? If you had a similar thing how long did it last? Did you have to retrain and should I just retrain now (knowing it will probably be awful based on how bad his sleep has gotten).

Thank you in advance!!