LO is 7.5 months. Up until now he has still been waking 2-3 times a night to nurse - I'm fine with that, going 3-4 hours at a time then needing me. He's EBF and has always been more of a 'snacker' - not really having long nursing sessions.

For the last 1.5 weeks, he's waking every two hours again. He did this until he was 5 months old then it stretched. I'm at a loss. On top of waking up so often, I've found in the last couple of days that when I get him back to sleep and I put him back into his crib, he wakes up crying the second I put him down.

I've tried CIO - he will literally cry for hours, and he's loud. So forget that. We are co-sleeping just so I can get some rest and he's calm enough to get some sleep as well, but I have no idea what to do next. He is teething really badly, and I've given him some tylenol a couple of nights before bed to ease the pain, but that hasn't helped with the sleep either, and I don't want to be reliant on it.