i've had two positive experiences with in-hospital med-free labor and deliveries at 2 different hospitals/cities. i don't doubt that i would have another positive experience with baby #3 if i choose the local hospital/highly recommended OB, but DH and i are considering a home birth this time. i toured a local birth center and the only real difference in service between my house and the birth center is fetal monitor with print out capabilities (the portable doesn't have a print out). otherwise, the midwives have all the same gear/meds for at home, i can use their portable tub, etc.
i really prefer midwifery prenatal care and unfortunately, there are no midwife practices that deliver in any local hospitals. the one highly recommended OB (that the midwives work with as well) is a solo practitioner whose appointment wait times can be an hour plus because he's off delivering. which might be great for some people, but is not important to me (that he's the only one that delivers). the midwives work with 1-2 others so while i'll have a primary, i'll also see/work with their assistants/backups.
long story short, i'd love to hear from anyone who has had a positive hospital delivery but chose a home birth for subsequent births! differences, similarities, worries, etc.