Anyone pregnant at 35+? How are you feeling? Is this pregnancy harder than last if you are AMA now and weren't before?
(not pregnant, just being a hostess)
Anyone pregnant at 35+? How are you feeling? Is this pregnancy harder than last if you are AMA now and weren't before?
(not pregnant, just being a hostess)
honeydew / 7504 posts
36 and pregnant with my 2nd, and it is SO MUCH HARDER than my first (was 33 with my first). I am exhausted. Babygirl is carrying much lower than D did, so by the end of the day most days I am in excruciating pain in my lower abdomen/pelvis. I absolutely loved pregnancy with my first. Notsomuch with this one. I'm not really wishing her out anytime soon (still need her to bake another 9 or 10 weeks), but sometimes I really wish it was January already!
pear / 1558 posts
FTM at 41 here, but I felt pretty good my whole pregnancy. I had swollen ankles, which I didn't love, and heartburn, but was easily controllable. Hope to have 1 more baby if we are so blessed.
grapefruit / 4085 posts
I'm 36 and 25 weeks with my second.
So far I'm feeling great. I'm trying to be active as
possible to keep this up. I think I felt more achy last time but it still may be too early to tell since I remember pains and swelling late in my last pregnancy. I was sicker this time but thankfully that's past now.
pear / 1622 posts
I was 36 with LO1 and now 38 expecting LO2 - 17 weeks along.
At this point in the pregnancy - the first one was easier. I had a partial placental abruption with this pregnancy that has forced me to not be as active - which is harder with having a LO to keep up with. I think having a LO to keep up with makes a second pregnancy harder at any age.
With the first pregnancy the only complications I had was GD and light bleeding around 32 weeks but I went full term and labor and delivery was not that bad.
I was able to exercise up to the day my water broke with LO1. I have a feeling I will not be able to with this pregnancy as I am already having to make a lot of modifications and exercise less.
apricot / 320 posts
37 and 21 weeks with my 2nd, a girl. If full-term I'll be 38 when I deliver. This pregnancy has been the pits for morning sickness, and my job is way more stressful this time around. Add my almost 3 yo DS to the mix and it's been much harder this time. The upside is the baby looks great, no complications or concerns thus far! This was not the case with my DS, who had some issues requiring extra monitoring. So overall sort of a wash?
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I'm 38 (and was 34/35 last time.) I am so much more miserable this time, and I think part of it is due to age, part due to having a toddler and part due to bad luck
First pregnancy- Morning sickness until 20 weeks, bad acid reflux that was controlled with prescription Nexium, no major swelling, anemia, fairly easy labor
This pregnancy- Morning sickness until 28 weeks, acid reflux that is not being controlled by my prescription, terrible swelling and carpal tunnel/trigger fingers that ache, anemia isn't quite as severe, we'll see about labor
pomelo / 5660 posts
I just turned 37. This is my 3rd pregnancy. No difference due to age but definitely harder having 3 year old and 12 month old.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
37 and pregnant with #3 (13 weeks). I was 33 when pregnant with DS1 and 35 with DS2. I am sooooooo tired. Morning sickness has been strong this time around, which I really didn't have before. This one is hard just like #1 was. Pregnancy #2 felt so much easier. Ugh, I have so much time left to go!
pomegranate / 3565 posts
@JoJoGirl: Don't get stressed! Age has played zero factor in my fertility.
pear / 1703 posts
OMG this one feels so much harder. I'm 36 now vs 29 with DD. The morning sickness has been worse, and prolonged. It stopped precisely at 12 weeks with DD. I feel generally so rundown all of the time. I think having another child to take care of plays into that though...
nectarine / 2951 posts
I'm 8 weeks along with baby #2 and I'm 35. I feel so so tired and morning sickness is here in full force, but it could be because I'm running after my 2year old? I miss getting home and collapsing on the couch for a few hours!
I'm definitely not going to the gym this time around, but hope to sign up for prenatal yoga again once I'm past the first trimester!
pea / 16 posts
I'm 38 and 37 weeks with #3. I was 26 with DS1 and 36 with DS2. This pregnancy has definitely been harder than the first, since I'm 12 years older. The only difference this time vs the 2nd is that this baby has dropped so much lower the last couple of weeks. DS2 was breech, so I never experienced the pain that I'm having this time. Chasing after a 2 year old certainly doesn't help either, but I only have a couple more weeks left.
clementine / 828 posts
I am 31 weeks pregnant at 35 and this pregnancy has mostly been easier than my previous pregnancy (32-33). I have had more aches and pains in the third trimester, especially pelvic pain and hip pain. The baby is measuring much larger than last time, which can account for this. However, I had less morning sickness and my iron level, blood pressure, and weight gain have all been better this time.
pomelo / 5573 posts
36 and pregnant with my second - definitely having a harder time this time but I think it's mostly because I already have a toddler which means I both get less sleep/relax time and means I'm not taking as good care of myself. Last time I had more time to spend making good dinners and going to pre-natal yoga.
honeydew / 7235 posts
I just had my second child. I found my pregnancy easier at 35 than my first at 32. Recovery was a bit longer this time, but that may be due to my huge 9lb 6oz baby.
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