I'm leaning toward a 3-year age difference..but can't decide.
My brother and I are 4.5 years apart, my husband's brothers are 1.5 years apart from each other, and 3 & 4 years from my husband.
ahh! what influenced your decision?
I'm leaning toward a 3-year age difference..but can't decide.
My brother and I are 4.5 years apart, my husband's brothers are 1.5 years apart from each other, and 3 & 4 years from my husband.
ahh! what influenced your decision?
squash / 13764 posts
We are going to start TTC sometime this summer...DH wanted them really close together (like wanted to start trying befor LO turned1!), I wanted like 3 years apart or so, so LO 1 could be in a pre school program part time and be somewhat independent. We compromised and they will now hopefully be 2.5 or so years apart (I guess I got more my timeline than DH did, lol). But I really would like a spring/summer baby next time, because I think it will be a lot easier with LO1 if he can spend lots of time outside when a new baby is here, so that influenced the time of year we start trying as well.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
We wanted them close together so that they will hopefully be really close. They can play together with the same things which will be nice too!
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
We're leaning towards about 3 years. My sister and I are 5 years apart, and IMO that's too far. We just weren't close growing up (or now, really). DH and his sister are about 2.5 years apart, and we like that spacing. We'll see how it happens...we might start TTC around LO's 2nd birthday.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
We aimed for a 2 year difference and got it almost exactly. I have brothers +/- 2 years of me, and DH has a sister 4 years younger which he felt was too long. We also think it'd be better for both of our careers to get the small baby / limited traveling time out of the way all at once instead of spreading it out, so we can both excel more (since we're on the younger side and weren't super established before we started).
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
We just waited to TTC until we felt ready. It wasn't planned out, but we had a 2-3 age gap in mind. Our age gap is 2.5 years.
pear / 1586 posts
DH and his brother are 2 years apart and he really liked the gap. My brother and I are 4 years apart and have never been close. My sister and I have a 16 year gap (she was adopted). I thought I wanted a 3 year gap but we, ok me, also wanted our kids born in even years. I also wanted to have them young. All this to say that mine will be 22 months apart which we hope will be great.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
We wanted our kids to be 20+ months apart but it happened a little earlier.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Well....I wanted to nurse for about 18 months, and I wanted to have at least 6 months with my body to myself. So we figured we'd wait 2 years before we started trying. We have since decided to wait until my husband is almost done residency (so we will start trying closer to my daughters 3rd birthday) because NO MORE BABIES DURING RESIDENCY.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I'm thinking about it more in terms of when I want to take on another pregnancy and baby, than in terms of how many years apart they will be (if that makes sense, since those two things are obviously intertwined!). I'd like to have a little time not breastfeeding or pregnant, and would prefer C to be a little more independent and maybe in a preschool program, so we will probably start trying close to C's 2nd birthday.
I figure in terms of age gaps when they are older, you can have great or not so great relationships between siblings with any gap. My family has almost every age gap options- of the 5 consecutive siblings, we are 1.5 yrs, 4 yrs, 3 yrs, and 2 yrs apart! My older sister and I are 4 years apart and are best friends, even growing up we were super close.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
There is so much that goes into this decision.
For starters, I don't put much stock in the idea that kids will be closer/get along better based on an age difference. In my family there are all sorts of spreads and relationships and nothing seems to match up - it's all way too dependent on personality, and you can't plan for that.
Before we started TTC #1, DH and I figured we wanted 2-3 kids all 2 years apart because we thought it would be better for us/our lifestyle to have a few really hard years (get all the pregnancy, sleepless nights, breastfeeding, diapers, etc. out of the way at once) than to let our first have some independence and then start all over again...
But when we were TTC DD, we discovered that I have some health and fertility issues that mean we really need to have our kids close together. On the advice of my doctor, we started TTC #2 when DD was 9 months old... but no luck yet. I'm out this month, but if we are successful within the next couple of months, our kids will be right around 2 years apart, so I here's hoping!
Finally, all of this is based on our situation - we are in a place financially and career-wise that we don't need to take those things into consideration. But I recognize that those things are important factors in the space conversation.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Life influenced my spacing. Getting divorced and remarried wasn't part of the original plan
pomelo / 5607 posts
This could definitely change, since I'm only just now 16 weeks with our first, but as of right now we're planning to just NTNP once LO arrives. I plan to breastfeed on demand for at least 2 years (hopefully), which will give us at least a chance of some natural prevention there. But if not, oh well. We both REALLY hated the TTC process, and after 2 m/c's I'd be really happy if next time we just didn't realize I was pregnant again until I was already as far along as possible. We don't have strong feelings on spacing right now, so we'd be pretty much happy if they were really close or fairly spread out. (We only plan to have 2, btw.) But, of course, there is no telling how our feelings on that might change once we actually have a LO here.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@Foodnerd81: @septca: completely agree that age difference doesn't matter...some personalities just connect better than others and some kids end up close despite a large gap and some kids can't stand each other despite a close gap. I went for what I felt I would be ready to handle with my current LO and being pregnant and having a newborn. DH wanted a 2 year gap but I wasn't ready and we started trying a little before LO turned 2 to get close to a 3 year gap. We're on cycle 8 with no BFP so just goes to show you can't plan everything in your life
pear / 1517 posts
We wanted our kids close and started trying as soon as we felt ready. I felt confident raising two kids when we conceived when DS was 10 months old. Now a month from my due date with an 18 month old, I'm pretty nervous!!
nectarine / 2079 posts
I really want them two grade levels apart so that they could relate to where one another were in life, but not have the same friend groups and such. We have 6 more months to make that happen. I will also probably want a 3rd and I think we will try as soon as possible so that all three are still closer in age.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
We knew we wanted them closer in age, around 2ish years apart. my brother is 12 months younger than me, and my other brother 17 months younger than him. I liked having them closer in age, but that did not mean we always got along...because we didn't. DH is 2.5 years older than his sister, and he liked that age gap.
The surprise BFP at 7 months pp is really what decided our spacing of 15 months...honestly, it's hard, but we wouldn't change it. IF(and that's a big if) we had a third(not planning on it) we wanted to wait until DD is 3(the 2nd of our children), just so that they would be more independent.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
In really would like them 2.5 years apart. DH just told me he wants to wait 6m-1yr before TTC. I want to start Sept, which would be 6 months.
nectarine / 2994 posts
I've always wanted kids 2 years apart, lo is 18 months and we're ttc - it means she can be more independent when she does get a sibling, and hopefully won't be much of a transition for her to become a big sister.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
my ideal is probably 3 years apart, though I definitely got the baby fever before that. at least 2.5. I want one potty trained. though I think anything is fine, once you have it you get used to it and all have +/- aspects.
we have TTC issues though so we started as soon as we were at all ready, about 18-19 months old. no success so far and we're close to 3 years now if I get pregnant this cycle. I'm ok with about 3.5 and if we go past then I will feel like it's farther than we want. I'd like them to spend one year in high school together, I had that with my brother and it was nice.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
My sister and I are almost 3 years apart (my birthday is 3 weeks after hers) and I think it was a great gap for us. However, we want 3 kids, so we're hoping for 2 years between each of them. Plus, I have baby fever and LO is only 4 months old! I'm not sure what our actual spacing will be though because we'll start TTC when he's one, but it took us 13 months to conceive him. Somewhere between 22-30 months hopefully.
honeydew / 7917 posts
My sisters and I are 9+ years apart in both directions. It wasn't fun, and I didn't get along with them. DH and his sister are 5 years apart, and he feels that it's too big of a difference. We aimed for 2-3 years apart but really just waited until we were both ready. Our boys are a little over 2.5 years apart and 3 school years apart.
pomelo / 5678 posts
I don't know yet but would prefer either two or three years, on the dot. Kindergarten here starts at four, so I would prefer lo #2 (if we have another) to be a year old by the time dd starts school so that I don't have to deal with packing up a newborn every morning to take her to school. (Dh works early). I also have no help so it will be just me. Three years might be nice so dd is a little more independent, but two years would work as well. Mainly I want to wait and see if and when I feel right about expanding. My doc office tells everyone to wait at least one year, so I don't think I would make the gap shorter.
Eta random detail: my sisters and I are all about 1.5 years apart and we are not in any way close.
Eta another: dh is in school so it would be nice to have another summer baby so he can at least help me for a few days and not screw up his school (again, we have no help at all.)
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Originally I was thinking about 2 years because it would allow the option for trying for a third before I turn 35. There were some changes in my work plans after DS was born so we started NTNP when DS was 9 months. I was still nursing a lot and hadn't gotten my period back so we figured chances were low of conceiving again. Just before DS turned a year I changed my mind and decided I wanted to go back to work and wait a little longer because it would be a major help financially. It was too late though so our little guys will be about 20 months apart. We'll decide later about a third. I think work will play a major factor in that. If we can afford for me to stay home then probably would go for about 2 year gap between 2 & 3 otherwise it may make sense to try for closer to 3 year gap so we wouldn't have 3 in daycare.
I guess long story short - age and finances are the.major factors in spacing for us.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
My OB told us to wait 18 months. We are currently looking at about a 3 year age gap. I'm glad LO will be potty trained by the time we have another LO.
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
I want to wait until Sadie's at least 3. I want her to be in preschool, potty-trained, in a bed, and able to have a little bit of independence. I definitely don't want two babies at the same time! My brother is 5 years older than me, and we played together every day growing up, so I'm not worried about them being too spaced out.
coconut / 8498 posts
We wanted at least a two year gap. So we started trying when LO was 15 months and decided to let the age gap take care of itself. We just don't want them too close together, but also want to get the baby stage over with in one fell swoop.
pomegranate / 3863 posts
@photojane: Yes! Totally agree with this. I need to have one semi independent child rather than 2 babies. Plus we want to enjoy being a family of 3 for a while, no need to rush a new baby into the mix.
There were 6 years between my brother and I and 10 years between my sister and I (I am the youngest). We are all really close and my sister is my best friend, so I don't put much stock in small age gaps predicting close relationships!
pear / 1693 posts
I want 3 years apart so number 1 is more independent and perhaps in preschool a few mornings a week. I also would like to have some time where I'm not pregnant or breastfeeding before doing it all again. I never really considered age gap in terms of the siblings getting along. I worked as a nanny for many years and saw all sorts of relationships, including twins who hated each other. I think that has more to do with personality than age spacing.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
I wanted them 2-3 years apart.
I wanted them more than 1 grade level apart for the same reasons @Radish: mentioned. My sister and I are only 1 grade level apart, and though we're closer than ever now… I hated it when I was younger. There wasn't as clear of a distinction between younger/older and she would play with my friends and it got annoying fast. So that's just preference based on personal experience.
I still wanted them relatively close in age though because I wanted to get the baby stage out of the way faster. I felt like the further away I got from the baby stage, the less I'd want to revisit it. Having them about 2 years apart has been nice because it was easier to get them on the same schedules for the most part and we can still do similar things together that they'd both enjoy.
coconut / 8681 posts
We wanted our first 2 close. We didn't think it would happen as fast as it did though- they're 13.5 months apart!! I actually love it though.
We want a 3 year age gap between our second LO (DD) and our next one. We're toying with the idea of having #3 and #4 close together too. We'll see!
pineapple / 12566 posts
If I had had my way, we would have had a two year gap. However, life got in the way and they are three years apart. I am really enjoying it so far because my 3-year-old is fairly independent, so I can dote a bit more on the baby. Looking back, I would have had a fairly clingy toddler plus newborn. Luckily, he is really great with his baby sister.
papaya / 10570 posts
Money will be the main thing influencing our decision - specifically the cost of childcare.
DH wanted our children close in age and we had previously planned to TTC #2 when E turned 1 year. Then we found out how much a daycare place is!!!!! I wouldn't be comfortable asking my inlaws to have two children part time and we simply can't afford £2000 per month to send two children to daycare. We will have to wait until we get our government sponsored free 15 hours for E (when she is three) and reasses our finances then. It's not what we wanted but needs must.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
We both wanted 2-3 years max. DH and his middle brother are two years a part and super duper close. They were in the same school and often had the same social circle. Him and his older brother are more like 5 years apart. Were never in the same school or social circle and really not close at all.
My brothers and I are like 6-7 years apart. I love them but we're not like "good friends".
We don't want our kids to always be in different schools. Pick up / drop off will be insane! And we figure closer together might give them a better chance at being closer?
I would say were probably the odd man out and thinking more about long term benefits (hopefully) than the infant - children years.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@photojane: Oh yes, the potty training. For some reason the idea of two kids in diapers is totally overwhelming to me.
Like other posters, I never really thought about age gaps in terms of "ideal relationships." I figure kids get along or they don't, I don't think there is a spacing that makes this better or worse. For us our decision was based on my personal physical needs (space, please give me some space), our life circumstances, and being petrified of having two young babies.
I will say that I thought about this before, but its even stronger in my mind now- I want time alone with each baby during their infancy. My daughter will be old enough for preschool, and I can stay home with the new baby. I like the idea of really trying to dedicate as much time and attention as I can to my babies when they are very tiny.
The only thing that worries me about a 3.5-4 year age gap is that my daughter will be an only child for so long, she may have a difficult adjustment. And my husband and I both know we would not be good "only child" parents- but she will be an only child for a good number of her early years. We just have to try not to spoil her. Hopefully, being broke will help that.
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@Silva: that's my thing exactly. I definitely want more than one, but want each kid to have a little time as the "only child." When Sadie is in preschool I will have that one-on-one time with the newborn. It's totally different for everyone, by for me, it's important that I can have some solo time with each kid during his/her infancy.
pomegranate / 3791 posts
@septca: For starters, I don't put much stock in the idea that kids will be closer/get along better based on an age difference. In my family there are all sorts of spreads and relationships and nothing seems to match up - it's all way too dependent on personality, and you can't plan for that.
^YES. I feel like that is seriously worth repeating, because I always see people make these decisions based on how they got along with their siblings and their age gaps. Your kids are not you and your siblings.
We will have a gap of a year and a half for financial reasons - we can only afford for me to be a SAHM for about another 3 years, so if I wanted to be able to stay at home with our second child until they're close to preschool age, #2 needed to happen soon. Our kids will be 17 months apart.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
We are will @hilsy85 on this one. We are trying late spring/summer for baby #2, when LO will be 18 months old. Ideally they will be 2 1/2 years apart. I would love DD to be potty trained by the time the baby comes but still close enough together to have a strong relationship.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@wonderstruck: So true!! My sister is 18 months older then me, and my brother 18 months younger then me. We weren't BFF's growing up. We are closer now, but they still aren't the first people I am going to go to if having issues on something.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
all great points!!
I should also add I have a sister 13 years younger (adopted). But obviously, we aren't waiting THAT long, lol.
my primary "concern" (can't think of the word..) is that it would be smarter, financially, to stay in the apartment we are in for a couple more years and THEN buy.
but..I really want to get out of here before baby #2 we rent from my ILs (they're the other half of the duplex) and it's just too close for comfort. there was so much drama surrounding LO's birth that I still lose sleep from it 1.5 years later. I don't know if I could go through that again..
but I feel like I need to weigh smart vs wants here.
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