I feel like a broken record here, but LO's sleep has continued to get WORSE as time has gone on. Last night she slept 7:30-12:15, ate, then slept til 4am and was up for the day (FML). We tried to let her cry at 4 after eating to see if she could put herself back to sleep and she just escalated and escalated until I went to get her. Holding her and bouncing her did NOT help at all. I changed her diaper just in case (lights off), and finally at 5:30am she settled back to sleep.

She has been rubbing her eyes and nose a lot, mouthing like crazy and drooling, but started drooling 2 months ago and I thought all babies mouth toys. I don't see anything swollen or white bumps, but I don't know what on earth is going on with her. It has become totally unmanageable.

What were your first signs?