I'm happy with my two boys, and life is getting easier now that my youngest is almost 2.5. I was holding on to all the baby clothes, toys and other items in case we decided to have a third, but now I'm not sure if that will happen. The older my youngest gets, the less I want to go through pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn stage again. I'm also thinking about the future and all the trips we can take and how it will be easier to handle two kids when we go out. I feel like I could give my kids more attention and time if we stopped at two.
But at the same time, I can't bring myself to get rid of the baby stuff and be 100% sure I'm done having kids. A small part of me thinks maybe I want to try for a girl, or maybe two kids isn't enough excitement in my life. My kids are growing up so fast, and maybe it would be nice to have a little baby to hold again. It's frustrating, because I want to make a decision one way or the other. So if you're 100% done having kids, how did you make that decision? Do you ever think about having another baby, or do those thoughts stop eventually?