You guys, I am SO wiped.

E went down easily at 8, as normal, but then starting around midnight he was up constantly. He would wake up crying, take several minutes to soothe back to calm, fall back asleep on his own in the crib, and then wake up again 15 minutes later.




And to make it worse, as the night wore on it took longer and longer to get him back to sleep. By 6 it was for 20 minutes at a time.

I tried everything, including bringing him to our bed (no good, because Dad's beard is so much fun), and sleeping with him on the futon couch in his room (he would only lay there with me for a minute or two before wanting to get up and walk around). At 4 am.

I don't think I even managed a full two hours of sleep myself, and definitely not consecutively. I'm just barely functioning. It's freezing rain outside and D has the car today so I'm planning on just lazing about in PJs today (both of us, hopefully, although E isn't much for lazing).

He went down for an early nap and I think I'll probably get two out of him today (or have one very over-tired toddler at bedtime).

How did your LO sleep last night? Better than mine I hope!