When you put your LO down for a nap do you wait for tired signs ( yawn, eye rubs, crabby) or do you go by the time (i.e. after the appropriate length of awake time)?
When you put your LO down for a nap do you wait for tired signs ( yawn, eye rubs, crabby) or do you go by the time (i.e. after the appropriate length of awake time)?
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
At the first sign of a yawn! She will go from 1st yawn to manic meltdown FAST, so we run to the nursery when she yawns:)
coconut / 8498 posts
I watch both. If she shows tired signs before the time she should go down, I'll put her down early.
pear / 1586 posts
Both. Generally she naps at 9 & 1. Sometimes she goes down a bit earlier.
persimmon / 1035 posts
both i guess. i've been trying to get a rough nap schedule going so i pay attention to when he gets sleepy everyday. his morning naps are so predictable now i put him down completely awake but mellow. i read a good rule of thumb is that babies shouldn't be awake longer than a 3 hour stretch so i also pay attention to that. i don;t think he ever even lasts 3 hours.
nectarine / 2274 posts
I watch for both but LO naps around the same time everyday. I will take him to my bed and we will read books as part of his nap routine.
pineapple / 12526 posts
Both? She takes her first between 10-11 and the second between 2-3.
kiwi / 629 posts
Same as @PrincessBaby. As soon as he starts showing signs of being tired I quickly change his diaper (so he will sleep longer and not be bothered by it being too wet), and then I put him in his crib. Even though we don't technically go by the time, after a week or so he started getting sleepy around the same times each day so it works out.
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
Sadie is so funny... if she's tired she will fall asleep anywhere, anytime, in any position. I thought it was just a newborn thing when she was sleeping all day, but nope! We'll be doing tummy time or something and she'll yawn so I'll turn her over and boom she's out.
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
It's a mixture of both. Sometimes she'll be playing so well but I'll notice that she's been up for so long that I'll start her nap routine and then it's like something clicks because she starts yawning and rubbing her eyes and doesn't protest at all.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Both.. If she goes more than two/two and a half hours she goes down regardless. Before that I'll put her down if she seems tired.
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
Both. Usually I wait for the time, but now she's old enough (19 1/2 months) to tell me if she wants to nap early. She will sometimes just tell me "night night" or lay on the floor and suck her thumb and I'll ask if she's tired and she'll say "night night" so I'll put her down a little early.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@photojane Omg you're so lucky. We have to swaddle Derek and put him in the rock n play and rock him for like 20 minutes before he falls asleep. Ugh.
We put him down after he's been awake about an hour, which is when he usually starts yawning. If we keep him awake much longer than an hour, he'll start melting down and then it can be impossible to get him to sleep. We're following a loose EASY schedule -- he's 6 weeks.
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