Hellobee Boards


How long did it take you to really settle into being a mother? Or feel back to your old self?

  • poll: How long before you felt back to yourself?
    Straight away : (4 votes)
    4 %
    A few days : (0 votes)
    A few weeks : (12 votes)
    11 %
    A few months : (33 votes)
    31 %
    Over 6 months : (33 votes)
    31 %
    1 year + : (12 votes)
    11 %
    Still don't feel like myself - how old is your LO? : (13 votes)
    12 %
  1. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    My LO is 6 months and I still don't really feel like I am quite there yet. We've come a long way and I am far more happy and confident than the early days - but I still regularly doubt myself and the decisions I make. He's still BF the majority of the time, and will only take a bottle from me, so that makes a difference.

    Like others said, a regular and active social life feels a long way off! But LO and I are out and about regularly and go to lots of classes and playgroups - so that is a big improvement on the social front and means I have people to talk to as DH works long hours and I stay home.

    Physically I bounced back pretty quickly - certainly by 6 weeks pp I felt completely recovered and my body was back to normal. I had a straightforward delivery and no stitches though which I think helped!

  2. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    LO is 9 months old and although I have really good days where I feel like I've got this, for the most part I still worry a lot and other days where I think I have no idea what I'm doing. I still don't feel like my old self though.

  3. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    My son is 3.5 months old. I am still recovering physically. I am healed in a medical sense, but yoga is a lot harder and I still have residual lower back and hip pain. I went back to work three weeks ago and am still trying to figure out that balance. At present I could probably work towards resuming my social life -- i.e., I could make it work logistically -- but it would be at the cost of my ability to focus on my job and take away time with the baby. Plus, right now he is exclusively breastmilk fed, so being away from him is logistically complicated unless I am at the office where I am set up to pump and have a routine for it. So, I am choosing to forego most baby-free socializing for the time being. It's the lowest stress option for me.

    But, I'm 37 and spent 9 years living in Manhattan from ages 25-34. I have done a LOT of socializing and am pretty much over it except for my very closest friends.

  4. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    Gosh, it took me a long time. I think it is partly due to the fact that I stayed at home following the birth of my son. For someone that has spent the majority of their adult life working and going to a job, it was kind of stifling.

    I became myself again when I started working again a year and a half ago. My focus shifted from being solely on my son to being on my marriage, myself, my family.

  5. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    I started to feel "better" around 6 months and really like myself around a year. LO started STTN at 10 months and I started getting treated for PPD right at the same time, so the combo really boosted me back to where I was before mood-wise.

    But you asked about having a social life... that never recovered! Mostly because any "free" time I have I prefer to spend 1) having alone time at home with DH 2) sleeping or 3) working out. Social life has fallen to the bottom of my priority list, and I'm okay with that.

  6. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    Physically I felt back to normal within a couple weeks. Mentally and emotionally, I don't know if I will ever feel "normal" again, since I am now a SAHM and this life is completely new to me. It is a continually changing process. It took me until about 9 months or so to realize that there wasn't going to be a magical moment where everything would get easier...that it was just going to continue to be challenging, just in different ways.

    ETA: as far as social life goes, that didn't change too much. We have always been ones to travel and spend time with friends either at their houses or ours, before and after baby was born. This has pretty much stayed the same, although we do have to be a bit less flexible with LO's schedule. The thing that did change is that I had a hard time adapting to not having people around me all the time. I am still in the process of finding new friends who are available during the day. Building relationships takes time, and I didn't anticipate how hard it would be to be flying solo all day with a pretty easygoing baby. The boredom and loneliness really took a toll on me during the first year. It is slowly getting better, but only because I have worked really hard to make the effort to meet people and spend time with friends.

  7. petunia354

    pomegranate / 3863 posts

    I think maybe 9ish months? I had been back to work for a while and we had a pretty solid routine by then.

    Although he just started STTN most of the time at 18 months, and I truly didn't feel like myself until I started to get some consistent sleep. I have high sleep needs though....

  8. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    For me, it's come in stages. I felt good after a few months, then when I went back to work, I felt like I had more pieces of "me". Then better after 6/7 months, and really great at her birthday. Something about that 1 year mark

    I still have a social life and have always maintained it. But it's peppered within my regular life of being a mom. I still make time for a happy hour now and then, I still make time to be a very active person, and I still make time for friends. I do crafts and things I enjoy after she goes to bed. Sometimes I get burnt out, though. It happens.

    Honestly, for me, once E was STTN consistently, I was able to spend more time on myself and doing fun things, instead of prioritizing sleep and being a miserable cranky ass.

  9. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    I'm 7 wks PP and don't feel like myself physically, but emotionally I do. I guess if/when I lose the extra belly fat and the acne scars fade I'll feel like myself physically again. But emotionally, I think I fell right into motherhood. I love it and it though life has changed a lot, this feels like me!

  10. skibobrown

    pomegranate / 3388 posts

    For me it took a long time. It's hard to pinpoint exactly when b/c it happened gradually, but I'd say between 6 months and a year things really started feeling normal (or I guess a new normal) for me again. I'd also say that a real turning point for us happened around 2.5 months when we started putting DD to bed between 7 and 8 PM. Getting some "us" time in the evening after DD was asleep made me feel a lot more human again.

  11. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    I think around 3 months. I went back to work, DH & I went on our first date night out, I lost a lot of my baby wt, and felt like DS and I were in a good routine.


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